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Children Looked After: The Attach Programme (TAP) 2 Day ‘Team Pupil’ Training


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Bookings are no longer being accepted. Closed

This training is part of an evidence-based suite of training available through the Primary Children Looked After Advisory Service. It is a two-day intensive, in-person training for School Named Contacts and Key Adults on trauma and attachment, relational approaches, and supporting Children Looked After. This is delivered jointly by our Psychology (BHSCT) and Education PCLAAS team members.

Learning Objectives:

This training builds on the learning in previous trainings provided by the Primary Children Looked After Advisory Service and is aimed at supporting an enhanced understanding of the experiences of our children who are Looked After, supporting relationship building between key adults and key children, and provides training on the use of PACE (Playfulness, Acceptance, Curiosity and Empathy: Dan Hughes), and regulation, using case studies and experiential learning practices.

Course Details:

Who needs to access the training:

•School Named Contact and the child’s chosen Key Adult(s) – these individuals make up Team ‘Pupil’.

Prerequisites for the Training:

In order to attend this training, School Named Contacts and Key Adult(s) must have completed the following prior to their TAP training dates:

•Whole School Trauma and Attachment Awareness training (it is not necessary for the whole school team to have accessed this prior to School Named Contacts and Key Adults attending this training but it is essential that a date has been arranged to hold this with the whole staff team during the current academic year).

In addition, the following is recommended to be completed prior to attending this training:

•Social Care On-line Training for School Named Contacts

•Narrated PowerPoints: It Begins with You: Take Care and Culture of Caring (School Named Contacts and Key Adult(s)

Key Considerations for the training:

•Training course duration: 9am – 4pm for two consecutive days.

•Both days must be completed.

•If one or both of the dates become unsuitable after booking, please change your booking to another date.

•There is a maximum of 25 participants per course.

•Bookings for individual/ separate days cannot be facilitated.

•A range of available dates and locations are available.

Subcover/funding arrangements:

•Subcover has been provided for the two days training, for teaching staff members attending.

•Schools have received funding for subcover based on the number of Children Looked After in the school. Please discuss how many funded places there are for the school with the school’s Assistant Advisory Office (AAO).

•A school may wish to send more people to the training than they have received funding for. We have not restricted the number of places available. A school may wish to use a child’s Common Funding Formula to pay for subcover for additional teaching staff to attend, which is acceptable. This can be discussed with the school’s AAO and agreed through the Personal Education Plan (PEP) process.

Please ensure you enter your email address correctly to receive the training details.

Education Authority & BHSCT



Booking Options

There are currently no options available for this course. Please check back at a later date.

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