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Training & Events

Training & Events, where people come together to learn. Find training or an event to learn new skills and earn certifications. Register now and book a place. No matter what you're looking for there's a course or an event to suit you.

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AAIS Tier 2: The Early Years Toolkit


​Module 1: -

- To increase our knowledge, understanding and acceptance of Autism

- To become aware of the guidance and legislation relating to supporting autistic learners

Module 2:

- To enable staff to use physical and visual structure to set up an autism friendly environment

Module 3:

- To enhance social development and communication through play

- To increase our understanding of the development of play skills in children with autism

Module 4:

- To consider a proactive approach towards supporting children with autism and behaviour management

Course Details:

This course is divided into four modules and can be watched in sections at times convenient to the participant The link to access the course will be provided in the confirmation of registration email.

** Please ensure you have entered your email correctly to receive the training details **

Course Duration:

60 minutes maximum per Module


Primary Teachers, Classroom Assistants and SENCos

** All participants should register individually even if the training is viewed within a group setting as this information is required for stats purposes  **

DENI Number

During the registration process you will be asked for your setting’s Department of Education Reference Number - this must be input accurately.

**If your setting is outside Northern Ireland please select ‘Outside Northern Ireland’ or if you are currently not attached to any school please select ‘Other’


AAIS Tier 2: The Early Years Toolkit

Pre-School AAIS CYPS

AAIS Tier 2 Training Primary Toolkit (P3 - P7)


Module 1: An overview of theories and concepts of Autism.

Module 2: Physical and Visual Structure.

Module 3: Social Communication and Social Interaction.

Module 4: Autism and Positive Approaches to Behaviour.

Course Details:

Course participants can view the 4 Modules in their own time (pre-recorded)

The link to access the course will be provided in the confirmation of registration email.

** Please ensure you have entered your email correctly to receive the training details **

Course Duration:

60 minutes maximum per Module


 Primary Teachers, Classroom Assistants and SENCos

** All participants should register individually even if the training is viewed within a group setting as this information is required for stats purposes  **

DENI Number

During the registration process you will be asked for your setting’s Department of Education Reference Number - this must be input accurately.

**If your setting is outside Northern Ireland please select ‘Outside Northern Ireland’ or if you are currently not attached to any school please select ‘Other’


AAIS Tier 2 Training Primary Toolkit (P3 - P7)


AAIS Moving On Up : Transfer Training for Parents of Primary 7 Pupils


• To develop knowledge and understanding of the implications of the transfer process for pupils with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder

• To provide guidance in the completion of the Individual Pupil Profile for Year 7 pupils

• To provide a range of practical strategies to support the child in his/her transfer to the Post Primary Sector



It is an online course and details will be included in the confirmation email on how to access training.



17 minutes



This course is specifically designed for Parents with Pupils moving into Post Primary School. 

** Please ensure you have entered your email address correctly **


AAIS Moving On Up : Transfer Training for Parents of Primary 7 Pupils


AAIS Moving On Up - Transfer Training for Primary Professionals


- To develop knowledge and understanding of the implications of the transfer process for pupils with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder

- To provide guidance in the completion of the Individual Pupil Profile for Year 7 pupils

- To provide a range of practical strategies to support the child in his/her transfer to the Post Primary Sector


Training can be viewed any time suitable to the participant up to 31/08/2025.

It is an online course and details will be included in the confirmation email on how to access training.

** Please ensure you have entered your email correctly to receive the training details in the confirmation email **



23 minutes



Primary KS2, Teachers, Classroom Assistants and SENCos

** All participants should register individually even if the training is viewed within a group setting as this information is required for stats purposes  **

DENI Number

During the registration process you will be asked for your setting’s Department of Education Reference Number - this must be input accurately.

**If your setting is outside Northern Ireland please select ‘Outside Northern Ireland’ or if you are currently not attached to any school please select ‘Other’


AAIS Moving On Up - Transfer Training for Primary Professionals


AAIS Sensory Processing and Autism Spectrum Disorder for staff in Pre-school Setting


- Recognise and acknowledge sensory sensitivities associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

- Explore a range of practical strategies, with an emphasis on sensory strategies to support the pupil with ASD.


This course will be available to access online throughout the school year up to 31/08/2025.

The link to access the course will be provided in the confirmation of registration email.

** Please ensure you have entered your email correctly to receive the training details **

Course Duration:

53 minutes


 Pre-School Teachers, Classroom Assistants, SENCOs

** All participants should register individually even if the training is viewed within a group setting as this information is required for stats purposes  **

DENI Number

During the registration process you will be asked for your setting’s Department of Education Reference Number - this must be input accurately.

**If your setting is outside Northern Ireland please select ‘Outside Northern Ireland’ or if you are currently not attached to any school please select ‘Other’


AAIS Sensory Processing and Autism Spectrum Disorder for staff in Pre-school Set...

Pre-School AAIS CYPS

AAIS Sensory Processing and Autism Spectrum Disorder for Early Years, Primary and Special School Staff


- Recognise and acknowledge sensory sensitivities associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

- Explore a range of practical strategies, with an emphasis on sensory strategies to support the early years, primary and special school pupil with ASD.



This course will be available to access online throughout the school year up to 31/08/2025.

The link to access the course will be provided in the confirmation of registration email. 

** Please ensure you have entered your email correctly to receive the training details **

Course Duration:

53 minutes


Pre-School, Primary and Special Teachers, Classroom Assistants and SENCos

** All participants should register individually even if the training is viewed within a group setting as this information is required for stats purposes  **

DENI Number

During the registration process you will be asked for your setting’s Department of Education Reference Number - this must be input accurately.

**If your setting is outside Northern Ireland please select ‘Outside Northern Ireland’ or if you are currently not attached to any school please select ‘Other’


AAIS Sensory Processing and Autism Spectrum Disorder for Early Years, Primary an...

Pre-School Primary AAIS CYPS

AAIS Sensory Rooms: Recommendations for Pre-School settings


- To recognise and acknowledge sensory sensitivities associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

- To explore a range of considerations and recommendations when setting up a sensory room within the pre-school setting


This course will be available to access online throughout the school year up to 31/08/2025.

The link to access the course will be provided in the confirmation of registration email.

** Please ensure you have entered your email correctly to receive the training details **

Course Duration

17 minutes


Pre-school Teachers, Classroom Assistants and SENCO's

** All participants should register individually even if the training is viewed within a group setting as this information is required for stats purposes  **

DENI Number

During the registration process you will be asked for your setting’s Department of Education Reference Number - this must be input accurately.

**If your setting is outside Northern Ireland please select ‘Outside Northern Ireland’ or if you are currently not attached to any school please select ‘Other’


AAIS Sensory Rooms: Recommendations for Pre-School settings

Pre-School AAIS CYPS

AAIS Sensory Rooms: Recommendations for Early Years and Primary School Settings


- Recognise and acknowledge sensory sensitivities associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

- Explore a range of considerations and recommendations when setting up a sensory room within the early years and primary school setting


This course will be available to access online throughout the school year up to 31/08/2025.

The link to access the course will be provided in the confirmation of registration email.

** Please ensure you have entered your email correctly to receive the training details **

Course Duration:

17 minutes


 Pre School and Primary and Special Teachers, Classroom Assistants and SENCos

** All participants should register individually even if the training is viewed within a group setting as this information is required for stats purposes  **

DENI Number

During the registration process you will be asked for your setting’s Department of Education Reference Number - this must be input accurately.

**If your setting is outside Northern Ireland please select ‘Outside Northern Ireland’ or if you are currently not attached to any school please select ‘Other’


AAIS Sensory Rooms: Recommendations for Early Years and Primary School Settings

Pre-School Primary AAIS CYPS

See more AAIS courses >

Behaviour Support

Incorporating the Pupil's Voice within an SBEW Plan


- Outline the process of developing, monitoring and reviewing a Social Behaviour Emotional Wellbeing plan (proforma found in the updated SEN resource file)

- Develop an understanding of how to unlock the pupil’s voice in relation to contributing to the development of their SBEW Plan

- Increase awareness of how to use the pupil’s voice to shape support and monitor progress

Course Details:

Each individual member of staff attending must complete an individual registration.

Registration for the first session in the course will automatically register the applicant for the subsequent sessions in the set.

PLEASE NOTE: This training takes place online using MS Teams on 2 separate days. Participants must attend BOTH dates in the applicable set of sessions.

Links will be issued approximately one week prior to commencement of course.


1st Set of Sessions

18 & 25 September 2024     2:30-3:45


2nd Set of Sessions

13 & 20 November 2024    2:30-3:45


3rd Set of Sessions

15 & 22 January 2025     2:30-3:45


4th Set of Sessions

19 & 26 March 2025     2:30-3:45


5th Set of Sessions

14 & 21 May 2025     2:30-3:45


Incorporating the Pupil's Voice within an SBEW Plan

EOTAS Nursery Post-Primary Primary Special Behaviour Support

An Overview of the Social, Behavioural, Emotional and Wellbeing (SBEW) Chapter in the SEN Resource File


• To outline the shift from managing behaviour to understanding and supporting children and young people experiencing SBEW needs

• Provide guidance on establishing a whole school ethos firmly built on collective care, Trauma Informed Practice and the Principles of Nurture

• To know and understand how developing proactive and collaborative approaches leads to an evolution in how support is provided to pupils experiencing SBEW needs

Course Details:

Each individual member of staff attending must complete an individual registration.

Registration for the first session in the course will automatically register the applicant for the subsequent sessions in the set.

PLEASE NOTE: This training takes place online using MS Teams on 2 separate days. Participants must attend BOTH dates in the applicable set of sessions.

Links will be issued approximately one week prior to commencement of course.

16th & 23rd September 2024 - 14:15 - 16:00 (each day)

7th & 14th November 2024 - 14:15 - 16:00 (each day)

16th & 23rd January 2025 - 14:15 - 16:00 (each day)

27th February & 6th March 2025 - 14:15 - 16:00 (each day)

13th May & 20th May 2025 - 14:15 - 16:00 (each day)



An Overview of the Social, Behavioural, Emotional and Wellbeing (SBEW) Chapter i...

EOTAS Nursery Post-Primary Primary Special Behaviour Support

SBEW and Neurodiversity

Our training hopes to:

Enhance your understanding of Neurodiversity
Further your understanding of Social Behavioural and Emotional Wellbeing needs
Look at how we can use neurodiverse language that is respectful, supportive and inclusive for neurodiverse individuals.
Explore how we can use inclusive teaching strategies supporting neurodiverse students with Social Behavioural and Emotional Wellbeing.


Course Details:

Each individual member of staff attending must complete an individual registration.

Attendance is only required at one session.

Links will be issued approximately one week prior to commencement of course.


13th January 2025 - 14:00 - 16:00

3rd February 2025 - 14:00 - 16:00

3rd March 2025 - 14:00 - 16:00

7th April 2025 - 14:00 - 16:00

12th May 2025 - 14:00 - 16:00


SBEW and Neurodiversity

Nursery Primary Special Behaviour Support

Toolkit for New Classroom Assistants supporting Social, Behavioural, Emotional and Wellbeing (SBEW) Needs


Develop and increase understanding of the factors contributing to Social, Behavioural, Emotional and Well-being  (SBEW) needs and how to support these pupils in school.


Learning outcomes:

Become familiar with the range of tools, resources and strategies to support pupils with SBEW needs.

Develop increased confidence to support pupils with SBEW needs.


Course Details:

Each individual member of staff attending must complete an individual registration.

Attendance is only required at one session.

Links will be issued approximately one week prior to commencement of course.


Tuesday 24th September 2024 – 11:00 – 12:30


Tuesday 22nd October 2024 -11:00 – 12:30

Tuesday 26th November 2024 - 11:00 – 12:30


Tuesday 28th January 2025 – 11:00 – 12:30


Tuesday 25th February 2025 – 11:00 – 12:30


Tuesday 25th March 2025 - 11:00 – 12:30


Tuesday 29th April 2025 - 11:00 – 12:30

Tuesday 27th May 2025 – 11:00 – 12:30


Toolkit for New Classroom Assistants supporting Social, Behavioural, Emotional a...

Post-Primary Primary Special Behaviour Support

Introduction to Understanding and Supporting Social, Behavioural, Emotional and Wellbeing (SBEW)


• Discuss, within a Positive Behaviour Management framework, key values which support our work

• Discuss ideas, resources and strategies which are being used successfully in schools across Northern Ireland

• Considering throughout challenges to success both operational and emotional • Encourage the ‘team brain’ to support colleagues solution focused planning through child-centred/best practice models

• Signpost more specific training available at whole staff level if schools wish to develop practice further in any of the areas touched upon today


Course Details:

Each individual member of staff attending must complete an individual registration.

Attendance is only required at one session.

Training will be in person in the following venues on applicable date: 

12 November 2024 - Clounagh Centre - 09:30 - 15:30

27 November 2024 - Antrim Board Centre - 09:30 - 15:30

29 January 2025 - Omagh TEC - 09:30 - 15:30

25 February 2025 - EA Dundonald - 09:30 - 15:30


Introduction to Understanding and Supporting Social, Behavioural, Emotional and ...

EOTAS Primary Special Behaviour Support

A Structured Model Empowering Peers To Enhance Inclusion

Staff will be provided with a structure to reflect on underlying and interacting factors in relation to SBEW and its impact on friendships. To create the favourable conditions for friendships to develop for those children most liable to be excluded by their peers due to their SBEW needs and presentation, using a research-based model. Focused child feels valued and an integral part of the class community Increased sense of belonging through the planned support of his/her peers. Increased peer understanding and empathy through a planned and practical approach to addressing feelings of isolation experienced by the focused child. Increased confidence of key adults in facilitating support around the focused child, with an understanding of the impact of peer influences on the child.


Course Details:

Each individual member of staff attending must complete an individual registration.

Attendance is only required at one session.

Training will be in person in the following venues  on applicable date: 

16 October 2024 - Antrim Board Centre - 09:30 - 12:30

15 November 2024 - Dundonald HQ - 09:30 - 12:30

05 February 2025 - Clounagh Centre - 09:30 - 12:30

19 February 2025 - Omagh TEC - 09:30 - 12:30



A Structured Model Empowering Peers To Enhance Inclusion

EOTAS Primary Special Behaviour Support

High Five Friday Information Session


- Provide an overview of the whole-school social, behaviour and emotional wellbeing programme

- High Five Friday - Share feedback from schools who have participated

- Outline core features of High Five Friday and how schools can get involved

- Provide an overview of PBS&P resources available on c2k Resource Hub

Course Details:

Each individual member of staff attending must complete an individual registration.

Attendance is only required at one session.

Links will be issued approximately one week prior to commencement of course.


Session Dates and times are as follows:-

24 October 2024 - 15:15 - 16:30

11 November 2024 - 14:15 - 15:30

30 January 2025 - 15:15 - 16:30

10 March 2025 - 14:15 - 15:30

8 May 2025 - 15:15 - 16:30

2 June 2025 - 14:15 - 15:30


High Five Friday Information Session

Nursery Primary Special Behaviour Support

Supporting Pupils with a Statement for Social, Behavioural, Emotional & Wellbeing (SBEW) Needs


Enable school staff to use a range of strategies and resources to promote inclusion of children and young people with a Statement of SEN for Social, Behavioural, Emotional and Wellbeing needs.
Understand the needs of children and young people with a Statement of SEN for Social, Behavioural, Emotional and Wellbeing (SBEW) needs.

Learning outcomes:

Session 1    Explore strategies which can be used to develop positive relationships with pupils who have SBEW needs and develop a culture of listening to the child’s voice.

Session 2    Understand the importance of resilience development for pupils with SBEW needs.  Identity effective practice which will nurture the development of resilience for pupils with SBEW needs.

Session 3   Identity the skills, support and strategies that can be used to nurture belonging, raise self-awareness and to reduce tension for pupils with SBEW needs. Understanding of and monitoring of outcomes for pupils with SEN.

Course Details:

Each individual member of staff attending must complete an individual registration.

Registration for the first session in the course will automatically register the applicant for the subsequent sessions in the set.

PLEASE NOTE: This training takes place online using MS Teams on 3 separate days. Participants must attend ALL THREE dates in the applicable set of sessions.

Links will be issued approximately one week prior to commencement of course.


Sessions and times are as follows:

1st set of sessions

Thursday 26th September 2024– 14:00 – 15:30

Thursday 3rd October 2024 -14.:00 – 15:30

Thursday 10th October 2024- 14:00 – 15:30


2nd Set of Sessions

Thursday 21st November 2024 11:00-12:30

Thursday 28th November 2024 11:00-12:30

Thursday 5th December 2024 11:00-12:30


3rd Set of Sessions

Thursday 16th January 2025– 11:00 – 12:30

Thursday 23rd January 2025– 11:00 – 12:30

Thursday 30th January 2025-11:00 – 12:30

4th Set of Sessions

Thursday 6th March 2025 11:00-12:30

Thursday 13th March 2025 11:00-12:30

Thursday 20th March 2025 11:00-12:30


5th Set of Sessions

Thursday 1st May 2025– 14:00 – 15:30

Thursday 8th May 2025– 14:00 – 15:30

Thursday 15th May 2025– 14:00 – 15:30


Supporting Pupils with a Statement for Social, Behavioural, Emotional & Wellbein...

Post-Primary Primary Behaviour Support

See more Behaviour Support courses >


C2k - Summer Series Results Import and Reporting

C2k is offering a training overview in preparation for the import of the Summer Series Results.

The course is for anyone new to the role of Examinations Officer or anyone who would like a refresher on importing and reporting on the Summer Series results.

The course will demonstrate how to check the Examinations Organiser module in preparation for the results download. It will also cover some A2C checks.

The course will cover the following:

Preliminary checks. Results embargo. Downloading and importing results. Reporting on results. Creating marksheets for displaying results, re-marks or missing marks.

This course is due to take place on:

Date Time Location Tuesday 10th June 2025 11:00am - 12:30pm Online

 This date is subject to change


C2k - Summer Series Results Import and Reporting

EOTAS Post-Primary Special C2k

Sims .net - Ctf Year 7 To Year 8 Overview 2025

C2k are offering CTF Year 7 to Year 8 online overview sessions for Primary Schools to outline the SIMS .net Pupil Movement process.

In accordance with DE requirements, Year 7 pupil records are sent electronically by Primary Schools to the relevant Post Primary or Special school.  This year the CTFs can only be sent from 20 May onwards to Post Primary/Special schools through the AnyComms App within the App Store. This process must be completed by 5 June 2023.

The overview is for members of staff who deal with pupil records in SIMS .net, most likely a member of the office staff and will be delivered using Microsoft Teams.

Session dates:

Tuesday13th May 2025

10:00am – 11:00am

Tuesday13th May 2025

2:00pm – 3:00pm



Sims .net - Ctf Year 7 To Year 8 Overview 2025

Primary C2k

C2k - SIMS End of Year Online Overview (Post Primary)

C2k are offering an online session to outline the End of Year Procedures carried out in SIMS.

The overview is directed at the members of staff in school who will be editing the Pastoral Structure and assigning pupils to Registration Groups (not academic classes) etc. in SIMS.

The overview will cover parts of the End of Year and Preparation for New Academic Year procedures.

Procedures covered will include:

Editing Academic Year (check Autumn Term Start Date) Adding FSM End Date Changing application status of new Year 8 students Pastoral Structure – Next Academic Year School Promotion Dealing with Leavers The School Closures and Planner report

This course will take place on:

Date Time Location Tuesday 3rd June 2025 10:00am - 11:30pm Online Thursday 5th June 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm Online



C2k - SIMS End of Year Online Overview (Post Primary)

Post-Primary C2k

C2k - SIMS End of Year Online Overview (Primary, Special & EOTAS)

C2k are offering online sessions to outline the SIMS End of Year procedures.  The overviews are directed at staff in school who will be assigning pupils to classes, etc. in SIMS e.g. School Secretary and/or Principal.  Staff in school must carry out all these processes.

Procedures covered will include:

Editing Academic Year (check Autumn Term Start Date) Adding FSM End Date Accept Applications Pastoral Structure -  Next Academic Year School Promotion Attendance procedures to be completed including Archiving The School Closures and Planner report

This course will take place on:

Date Time Location Tuesday 20th May 2025 10:00am - 11:30am Online Tuesday 20th May 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm Online Thursday 22nd May 2025 10:00am - 11:30am Online Thursday 22nd May 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm Online



C2k - SIMS End of Year Online Overview (Primary, Special & EOTAS)

EOTAS Primary Special C2k

C2k - Adobe Express: Enhancing Creative Thinking In Literacy Through Digital Storytelling

These upcoming face-to-face Adobe training sessions are designed for teachers across the primary sector.

The sessions will focus on fostering creative thinking through the medium of film, providing educators with the tools and techniques to inspire their students.

Additionally, the training will address the UICT Desirable feature of 'Digital Storytelling,' ensuring that teachers are equipped to integrate this skill into their curriculum. This initiative is perfectly timed to coincide with the Adobe Film Festival 2025, which has the captivating theme of 'Habitats.' Also, attendees have the exciting opportunity to earn their Adobe Creator Educator Level 1 accreditation, enhancing their creative skills and professional credentials.

This course will take place on:

Date Time Location Thursday 20th February 2025 9:30am - 12:00pm Omagh TEC Thursday 20th February 2025 12:30pm - 3:00pm Omagh TEC Friday 21st February 2025 9:30am - 12:00pm W5 Belfast Friday 21st February 2025 12:30pm - 3:00pm W5 Belfast Tuesday 25th February 2025 9:30am - 12:00pm Ulster University, Coleraine Tuesday 25th February 2025 12:30pm - 3:00pm Ulster University, Coleraine

If you wish to attend please complete the online booking form by Monday 17th February 2025 at 12:00pm.  

A confirmation email will be sent to applicants prior to the course date along with any further information. Places are limited and will be allocated in order of booking.


C2k - Adobe Express: Enhancing Creative Thinking In Literacy Through Digital Sto...

Primary C2k

C2k - Just2easy: Using J2e to develop creative writing across the key stages

These upcoming face to face Just2easy training sessions are tailored for primary teachers across all key stages.

The session will delve into the various features of Just2easy and demonstrate how it can significantly enhance literacy lessons, particularly in the context of creative writing tasks.

The training will highlight the benefits of using Just2easy as a cross-curricular resource, making it easier to incorporate ICT into literacy lessons in a fun and interactive manner.

The session is designed to be highly engaging and hands-on, ensuring that teachers leave with practical skills and ideas they can immediately implement in their classrooms.

This course will take place on:

Date Time Location Wednesday 26th March 2025 9:30am - 12:00pm EA Centre, Clounagh  Wednesday 26th March 2025 12:30pm - 3:00pm EA Centre, Clounagh  Tuesday 1st April 2025 9:30am - 12:00pm Antrim Board Centre Tuesday 1st April 2025 12:30pm - 3:00pm Antrim Board Centre Friday 11th April 2025 9:30am - 12:00pm Newry Teacher Centre Friday 11th April 2025 12:30pm - 3:00pm Newry Teacher Centre

If you wish to attend please complete the online booking form by Wednesday 19th March 2025 at 12:00pm.  

A confirmation email will be sent to applicants prior to the course date along with any further information. Places are limited and will be allocated in order of booking.


C2k - Just2easy: Using J2e to develop creative writing across the key stages

Primary C2k

C2k - Using the NewsDesk to develop report writing, Creative Story writing and Poetry

This up and coming face to face training session is for Key Stage 2 teachers / Literacy Co-ordinators, focused on utilizing C2k NewsDesk to enhance the literacy curriculum.

This session will provide an in-depth look at how NewsDesk can be integrated into literacy lessons to make them more engaging and relevant for students.

The training will cover various strategies for using NewsDesk to support different aspects of literacy, including report writing, creative writing and Poetry.

It will be interactive and hands-on, allowing teachers to practice using NewsDesk tools and features in a supportive environment. 

This course will take place on the following dates:

Date Time Location Friday 28th February 2025 10:00am - 12:00pm Omagh TEC Friday 28th February 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm Omagh TEC Tuesday 4th March 2025 10:00am - 12:00pm Antrim Board Centre Tuesday 4th March 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm Antrim Board Centre Monday 10th March 2025 10:00am - 12:00pm Newry Teacher Centre Monday 10th March 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm Newry Teacher Centre

If you wish to attend please complete the online booking form by Friday 21st February 2025 at 12:00pm.  

A confirmation email will be sent to applicants prior to the course date along with any further information. Places are limited and will be allocated in order of booking.


C2k - Using the NewsDesk to develop report writing, Creative Story writing and P...

Primary C2k

Child Protection

Safeguarding Children who Perform Chaperone Training for Licensing and Registration

Course Details:

This training will be available until 31 December 2025. Following enrolment, you will receive the link to access the online training video and evaluation form. You can do this at a time that is convenient for you, up until 31 December 2025.


To build an understanding of safeguarding and child protection matters and to inform you about what to do if you have concerns regarding children that relate to safeguarding and child protection


Recognise and respond to children and young people’s safeguarding issues

Understand your own role and that of others

Contribute to the assessment and management of risk

Assist in safeguardingand promoting the welfare of children and young people

Understand the importance of your own behaviour and boundaries




Safeguarding Children who Perform Chaperone Training for Licensing and Registrat...

Everyone Child Protection CYPS

Safeguarding & Child Protection Training for Newly Appointed Designated & Deputy Designated Teachers 2024/2025 - Armagh


To enable Designated and Deputy Designated teachers to have an understanding of child protection and safeguarding issues.

​To equip Designated and Deputy Designated teachers with the knowledge and skills required to apply relevant child protection legislation, policies and procedures to their day to day practice.​


Day 1:

Become familiar with the principles, legislation, policies and guidance underpinning safeguarding and the relationship between safeguarding and child protection.​​

Recognise and discuss the signs and symptoms of physical, sexual, emotional abuse, neglect and exploitation through the use of case studies.​​

Increase awareness of specific safeguarding issues such as neglect, mental health, child sexual exploitation and online safety and recognise safeguarding issues for children with increased vulnerabilities.​​

The roles and responsibilities of Designated Teachers, the safeguarding team, Board of Governors, EA CPSS and ETI and SBNI/Case Management Reviews.
Record Keeping and Records Management.

​Day 2:

Through the use of a case study focusing on Domestic Violence and Abuse participants should become familiar with  the following;​​

Domestic Violence and Abuse Issues​
Challenges for children and professionals in managing disclosures​
Recognising, receiving, responding to and recording activities following a disclosure or observation of child abuse​
Use of the UNOCINI referral document​
Relationships with our partner agencies and how we communicate with them.​
Case conference and decision making.​
Recording and record keeping

Participants will be invited by the Child Protection Support Service Team


Newly Appointed Designated & Deputy Designated Teachers.

Course Details:

October 2023 - March 2024

9.30am -  4.00pm

Sub cover provided to a maximum of £229 for a full day


Safeguarding & Child Protection Training for Newly Appointed Designated & Deputy...

Child Protection

Safeguarding & Child Protection Training for Newly Appointed Designated & Deputy Designated Teachers 2024/2025 - Ballymena


To enable Designated and Deputy Designated teachers to have an understanding of child protection and safeguarding issues.​

To equip Designated and Deputy Designated teachers with the knowledge and skills required to apply relevant child protection legislation, policies and procedures to their day to day practice.​


Day 1:

Become familiar with the principles, legislation, policies and guidance underpinning safeguarding and the relationship between safeguarding and child protection.​​

Recognise and discuss the signs and symptoms of physical, sexual, emotional abuse, neglect and exploitation through the use of case studies.​​

Increase awareness of specific safeguarding issues such as neglect, mental health, child sexual exploitation and online safety and recognise safeguarding issues for children with increased vulnerabilities.​​

The roles and responsibilities of Designated Teachers, the safeguarding team, Board of Governors, EA CPSS and ETI and SBNI/Case Management Reviews.
Record Keeping and Records Management.

​Day 2:

Through the use of a case study focusing on Domestic Violence and Abuse participants should become familiar with  the following;​​

Domestic Violence and Abuse Issues​
Challenges for children and professionals in managing disclosures​
Recognising, receiving, responding to and recording activities following a disclosure or observation of child abuse​
Use of the UNOCINI referral document​
Relationships with our partner agencies and how we communicate with them.​
Case conference and decision making.​
Recording and record keeping

Participants will be invited by the Child Protection Support Service Team


Newly Appointed Designated & Deputy Designated Teachers.

Course Details:

October 2023 - March 2024

9.30am -  4.00pm

Sub cover provided to a maximum of £229 for a full day


Safeguarding & Child Protection Training for Newly Appointed Designated & Deputy...

Child Protection

Safeguarding & Child Protection Training for Newly Appointed Designated & Deputy Designated Teachers 2024/2025 - Belfast


To enable Designated and Deputy Designated teachers to have an understanding of child protection and safeguarding issues.​

To equip Designated and Deputy Designated teachers with the knowledge and skills required to apply relevant child protection legislation, policies and procedures to their day to day practice.​


Day 1:

Become familiar with the principles, legislation, policies and guidance underpinning safeguarding and the relationship between safeguarding and child protection.​​

Recognise and discuss the signs and symptoms of physical, sexual, emotional abuse, neglect and exploitation through the use of case studies.​​

Increase awareness of specific safeguarding issues such as neglect, mental health, child sexual exploitation and online safety and recognise safeguarding issues for children with increased vulnerabilities.​​

The roles and responsibilities of Designated Teachers, the safeguarding team, Board of Governors, EA CPSS and ETI and SBNI/Case Management Reviews.

Record Keeping and Records Management.

​Day 2:

Through the use of a case study focusing on Domestic Violence and Abuse participants should become familiar with  the following;​​

Domestic Violence and Abuse Issues​
Challenges for children and professionals in managing disclosures​
Recognising, receiving, responding to and recording activities following a disclosure or observation of child abuse​
Use of the UNOCINI referral document​
Relationships with our partner agencies and how we communicate with them.​
Case conference and decision making.​
Recording and record keeping

Participants will be invited by the Child Protection Support Service Team


Newly Appointed Designated & Deputy Designated Teachers.

Course Details:

October 2024 - February 2025

9.30am -  4.00pm

Sub cover provided to a maximum of £229 for a full day


Safeguarding & Child Protection Training for Newly Appointed Designated & Deputy...

Child Protection

Safeguarding & Child Protection Training for Newly Appointed Designated & Deputy Designated Teachers 2024/2025 -Omagh


To enable Designated and Deputy Designated teachers to have an understanding of child protection and safeguarding issues.​

To equip Designated and Deputy Designated teachers with the knowledge and skills required to apply relevant child protection legislation, policies and procedures to their day to day practice.​


Day 1:

Become familiar with the principles, legislation, policies and guidance underpinning safeguarding and the relationship between safeguarding and child protection.​​

Recognise and discuss the signs and symptoms of physical, sexual, emotional abuse, neglect and exploitation through the use of case studies.​​

Increase awareness of specific safeguarding issues such as neglect, mental health, child sexual exploitation and online safety and recognise safeguarding issues for children with increased vulnerabilities.​​

The roles and responsibilities of Designated Teachers, the safeguarding team, Board of Governors, EA CPSS and ETI and SBNI/Case Management Reviews.
Record Keeping and Records Management.

​Day 2:

Through the use of a case study focusing on Domestic Violence and Abuse participants should become familiar with  the following;​​

Domestic Violence and Abuse Issues​
Challenges for children and professionals in managing disclosures​
Recognising, receiving, responding to and recording activities following a disclosure or observation of child abuse​
Use of the UNOCINI referral document​
Relationships with our partner agencies and how we communicate with them.​
Case conference and decision making.​
Recording and record keeping

Participants will be invited by the Child Protection Support Service Team


Newly Appointed Designated & Deputy Designated Teachers.

Course Details:

October 2023 - March 2024

9.30am -  4.00pm

Sub cover provided to a maximum of £229 for a full day


Safeguarding & Child Protection Training for Newly Appointed Designated & Deputy...

Child Protection

Safeguarding & Child Protection Training for First Time Principals 2024-2025 - Armagh


• To provide newly appointed Principals with the knowledge and understanding to fulfil their role in managing safeguarding and child protection in their school/educational setting.


•  Identify the role of members of the school safeguarding team.
•  Become familiar with the role of and support offered by the EA Child Protection Support Service (CPSS).
•  Discuss the role of ETI in safeguarding and child protection.
•  Increase their knowledge of legislation and DE guidance governing safeguarding and child protection.
•  Understand the role of the Principal in managing allegations against members of staff.
•  Consider the requirements around record keeping.
•  Become familiar with the Case Management Review process and the messages for schools from recent SBNI CMR reviews.
•  Become familiar with Domestic Homicide Reviews and the role of Education in the process.

Participants will be invited by the Child Protection Support Service Team


All Principals

Course Details:

9.30am - 4.00pm

Sub cover provided to a maximum of £229 for a full day


Safeguarding & Child Protection Training for First Time Principals 2024-2025 - A...

Principal Child Protection

Safeguarding & Child Protection Training for First Time Principals 2024-2025 - Ballymena


• To provide newly appointed Principals with the knowledge and understanding to fulfil their role in managing safeguarding and child protection in their school/educational setting.


• Identify the role of members of the school safeguarding team.
• Become familiar with the role of and support offered by the EA Child Protection Support Service (CPSS).
• Discuss the role of ETI in safeguarding and child protection.
• Increase their knowledge of legislation and DE guidance governing safeguarding and child protection.
• Understand the role of the Principal in managing allegations against members of staff.
• Consider the requirements around record keeping.
• Become familiar with the Case Management Review process and the messages for schools from recent SBNI CMR reviews.
• Become familiar with Domestic Homicide Reviews and the role of Education in the process.

Participants will be invited by the Child Protection Support Service Team


All Principals

Course Details:

9.30am - 4.00pm

Sub cover provided to a maximum of £229 for a full day


Safeguarding & Child Protection Training for First Time Principals 2024-2025 - B...

Principal Child Protection

Safeguarding & Child Protection Training for First Time Principals 2024-2025 - Dundonald


• To provide newly appointed Principals with the knowledge and understanding to fulfil their role in managing safeguarding and child protection in their school/educational setting.


• Identify the role of members of the school safeguarding team.
• Become familiar with the role of and support offered by the EA Child Protection Support Service (CPSS).
• Discuss the role of ETI in safeguarding and child protection.
• Increase their knowledge of legislation and DE guidance governing safeguarding and child protection.
• Understand the role of the Principal in managing allegations against members of staff.
• Consider the requirements around record keeping.
• Become familiar with the Case Management Review process and the messages for schools from recent SBNI CMR reviews.
• Become familiar with Domestic Homicide Reviews and the role of Education in the process.

Participants will be invited by the Child Protection Support Service Team


All Principals

Course Details:

9.30am - 4.00pm

Sub cover provided to a maximum of £229 for a full day


Safeguarding & Child Protection Training for First Time Principals 2024-2025 - D...

Principal Child Protection

See more Child Protection courses >


An introduction to Addressing Bullying Type Behaviour ABSIT Level 1 training for all staff working in schools across Northern Ireland

EA ABSIT: Addressing Bullying in Schools Level 1 Training

An introduction to the Addressing Bullying in Schools Act (NI) 2016: important advisory information for all staff working in schools in Northern Ireland.


Awareness of core aspects of the Addressing Bullying in Schools Act N.I. (2016) legislation and guidance.  Shared understanding of the definition of bullying type behaviour to be used in all schools in Northern Ireland.  Knowledge of the potential signs/symptoms of bullying type behaviour and systems for reporting/sharing any concerns.   Understanding what to do if you have a concern or one is shared with you, and the systems and processes for follow-up of concerns in your school.

Online (Asynchronous)


An introduction to Addressing Bullying Type Behaviour ABSIT Level 1 training for...

Everyone CYPS

Supporting the Educational Needs of Children with Acquired Brain Injuries (ABI)

This training is provided jointly by the Educational Psychology Service and the Children’s Acquired Brain Injury Consultation Service (CABCS).  The CABCS is a regional multi-professional team including a Clinical Psychologist, Occupational Therapist and Speech and Language Therapist. 

Please use the following link to access the CABCS webpage: Children’s Acquired Brain Injury Consultation Service | Belfast Health & Social Care Trust website (


This course will enable participants to:

Learn about the developing brain Understand the unique profile of difficulties that children with an ABI may experience (e.g. physical / sensory, language and communication, cognitive and learning, as well as social, emotional, behavioural and wellbeing difficulties) Consider common myths and misconceptions around ABI Gain information on how to support pupils by tailoring a menu of appropriate learning strategies Practice writing IEPs for pupils with ABI Understand ABI in the context of current legislation / Code of Practice Become familiar with a number of real-life case studies Supporting staff in preparing for a pupil’s return to school following an ABI

Course Details:

11 October 2024

24 January 2025

15 May 2025

9.30am - 12.00pm


Supporting the Educational Needs of Children with Acquired Brain Injuries (ABI)


Physical & Sensory Needs - Acquired Brain Injury Q & A session

This training is provided jointly by the Educational Psychology Service and the Children’s Acquired Brain Injury Consultation Service (CABCS).  The CABCS is a regional multi-professional team including a Clinical Psychologist, Occupational Therapist and Speech and Language Therapist. 

Please use the following link to access the CABCS webpage: Children’s Acquired Brain Injury Consultation Service | Belfast Health & Social Care Trust website (


Q & A Session for joint consultation with Children's Acquired Brain Injury Service (CABC) and Educational Psychology Service (EPS).

This session will focus on physical and sensory impairments and there will be opportunity for you to address your concerns and seek advice specific to your pupils.

This may include examples of relevant strategies for use in school or help with IEP/PLP targets.

An opportunity for open discussion about your pupils’ ABI needs and strategies within schools.  These are informal interactive sessions which will focus on the key SEN categories.  Advice will be given and questions answered by members of the ABI team.  Further information can be sought once your place is booked.

Course Details:

5 June 2025

9.30am -11.00am

Early booking is advised due to limited availability.


Physical & Sensory Needs - Acquired Brain Injury Q & A session


Social, Emotional and wellbeing needs - Acquired Brain Injury Q & A session

This training is provided jointly by the Educational Psychology Service and the Children’s Acquired Brain Injury Consultation Service (CABCS).  The CABCS is a regional multi-professional team including a Clinical Psychologist, Occupational Therapist and Speech and Language Therapist. 

Please use the following link to access the CABCS webpage: Children’s Acquired Brain Injury Consultation Service | Belfast Health & Social Care Trust website (


Q & A Session for joint consultation with Children's Acquired Brain Injury Service (CABC) and Educational Psychology Service (EPS).

This session will focus on emotional wellbeing and peer relationships and there will be opportunity for you to address your concerns and seek advice specific to your pupils.

This may include examples of relevant strategies for use in school or help with IEP/PLP targets.

An opportunity for open discussion about your pupils’ ABI needs and strategies within schools.  These are informal interactive sessions which will focus on the key SEN categories.  Advice will be given and questions answered by members of the ABI team.  Further information can be sought once your place is booked.

Course Details:

7 March 2025

9.30am -11.00am

Early booking is advised due to limited spaces.


Social, Emotional and wellbeing needs - Acquired Brain Injury Q & A session



ECT First Steps to Induction Success - Professional Learning for Induction Teachers (Post-Primary/Special)

Target audience: Early Career Teachers completing Induction (Post-Primary/Special)

ECTs registered with the EA for the academic year 2024-2025 will have received an access code to enable them to apply for this event. 

About this event First Steps to Induction Success A series of six ECT twilight sessions with delivery across the region. Aims To introduce ECTs to the teaching profession in Northern Ireland, including its unique characteristics and challenges. To provide opportunities for ECTs to explore their values, aims and visions for themselves as teachers. To empower ECTs to navigate their professional journey effectively, starting from a strong foundation of reflective practice. To familiarise ECTs with essential resources to support their induction and the support systems available to them. To provide the opportunities for each locality group to suggest ideas for the programme. To build a community of learning where participants can share experiences. Objectives Understand how their own unique vision for learners aligns with their values as a teacher and how it impacts in the classroom and on learners. Understand the key professional competences for teachers in Northern Ireland. Navigate the EA’s Induction website and be familiar with its supporting resources.  Time

2.30 pm - 4.30 pm

One application will cover registration for the series of six twilight sessions.  Please note that you can book at any point in the series.

Region (East)      Venue: EA Dundonald HQ

Date Title 05 Nov 2024 ECTs Induction Twilight 1 27 Nov 2024 ECTs Induction Twilight 2 19 Feb 2025 ECTs Induction Twilight 3 18 March 2025 ECTs Induction Twilight 4 30 April 2025 ECTs Induction Twilight 5 20 May 2025 ECTs Induction Twilight 6

Region (North)      Venue:  EA Antrim Board Centre

Date Title 12 Nov 2024 ECTs Induction Twilight 1 04 Dec 2024 ECTs Induction Twilight 2 26 Feb 2025 ECTs Induction Twilight 3 25 March 2025 ECTs Induction Twilight 4 07 May 2025 ECTs Induction Twilight 5 27 May 2025 ECTs Induction Twilight 6

ECT First Steps to Induction Success - Professional Learning for Induction Teach...

EOTAS Post-Primary Special Education

ECTs First Steps to Induction Success - Professional Learning for Induction Teachers (Nursery/Primary/Special)

Target audience: Early Career Teachers completing Induction (Nursery/Primary/Special)

ECTs registered with the EA for the academic year 2024-2025 will have received an access code to enable them to apply for this event. 

About this event First Steps to Induction Success A series of six ECT twilight sessions with delivery across the region. Aims To introduce ECTs to the teaching profession in Northern Ireland, including its unique characteristics and challenges. To provide opportunities for ECTs to explore their values, aims and visions for themselves as teachers. To empower ECTs to navigate their professional journey effectively, starting from a strong foundation of reflective practice. To familiarise ECTs with essential resources to support their induction and the support systems available to them. To provide the opportunities for each locality group to suggest ideas for the programme. To build a community of learning where participants can share experiences. Objectives Understand how their own unique vision for learners aligns with their values as a teacher and how it impacts in the classroom and on learners. Understand the key professional competences for teachers in Northern Ireland. Navigate the EA’s Induction website and be familiar with its supporting resources.  Time

2.30 pm - 4.30 pm

One application will cover registration for the series of six twilight sessions.  Please note that you can book at any point in the series.

Region (East)      Venue: EA Dundonald HQ

Date Title 06 November 2024 ECTs Induction Twilight 1 09 December 2024 ECTs Induction Twilight 2 18 February 2025 ECTs Induction Twilight 3 19 March 2025 ECTs Induction Twilight 4 29 April 2025 ECTs Induction Twilight 5 21 May 2025 ECTs Induction Twilight 6

Region (North)      Venue:  EA Antrim Board Centre

Date Title 13 November 2024 ECTs Induction Twilight 1 03 December 2024 ECTs Induction Twilight 2 25 February 2025 ECTs Induction Twilight 3 26 March 2025 ECTs Induction Twilight 4 06 May 2025 ECTs Induction Twilight 5 28 May 2025 ECTs Induction Twilight 6

ECTs First Steps to Induction Success - Professional Learning for Induction Teac...

Nursery Primary Special Education

Community of Lifesavers Teacher Professional Learning 2024-2025


In March 2022, legislation came into effect stating that cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and Automated External Defibrillator (AED) must be included in the minimum statutory content in Learning for Life and Work at Key Stage 3. CCEA has partnered with the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service (NIAS), the Department of Education (DE) and the Education Authority to create the Community of Lifesavers Education Programme to support schools in meeting this requirement.

As part of the Community of Lifesavers Education Programme, two teachers from Post Primary settings who have not yet attended this training are invited to attend a 1 day, face-to-face TPL which will focus on the practical and essential CPR and AED lifesaving skills. Sub cover will be provided and schools  will be reimbursed after attendance (when booking a supply teacher on NISTR choose - Miscellaneous School Charge/Cost).

Please note this training is for teachers who teach Learning for Life and Work at Key Stage 3.

A limit of two teachers per school will be applied. 

Applications will be taken on a first come first serve basis.

Please use 'Book Now' green button to select and book a training date. Training runs from 9.15am-3.30pm.

Your personal information will be shared with NI Ambulance Service, CCEA and DE. who are involved in the delivery of this Professional Learning Programme.  It will not be shared or processed for any other purpose without your express consent.


Community of Lifesavers Teacher Professional Learning 2024-2025

Key Stage 3 Education

Using Digital Technology to Support Irish-Medium Education Early Career Teachers

Target audience: Irish-Medium Education Early Career Teachers (Induction & EPD)

ECTs registered with the EA for the academic year 2024-2025 will have received an access code to enable them to apply for this event. 

About this event Aim

To explore the use of digital technology to enhance Irish-Medium Eduction.


Explore a range of software that can be used to support Immersive Education.

Engage with educators to explore current practice used within IME to support Digital Skills.


3.30 pm - 4.30 pm

This online training event will take place via MS Teams.

Please ensure you enter your email correctly when registering in order to receive the event joining details.


Using Digital Technology to Support Irish-Medium Education Early Career Teachers

EOTAS Nursery Post-Primary Primary Special Education

Supporting SEN within Irish-Medium Education Settings - ECT Professional Learning

Target audience: Irish-Medium Education Early Career Teachers (Induction & EPD)

ECTs registered with the EA for the academic year 2024-2025 will have received an access code to enable them to apply for this event. 

About this event Aim

To become familiar with a range of approaches to SEN within an Immersive Classroom.


Recognise a range of strategies/approaches that can be used to support SEN within an immersive classroom.

Understand how educators create an inclusive learning environment to support pupils with SEND in IME.


3.30 pm - 4.30 pm

This online training event will take place via MS Teams.

Please ensure you enter your email correctly when registering in order to receive the event joining details.


Supporting SEN within Irish-Medium Education Settings - ECT Professional Learnin...

EOTAS Nursery Post-Primary Primary Special Education

Delivering Numeracy within an Immersive Classroom - ECT IME Professional Learning

Target audience: Irish-Medium Education Early Career Teachers (Induction & EPD)

ECTs registered with the EA for the academic year 2024-2025 will have received an access code to enable them to apply for this event. 

About this event Aim

To build capacity of ECTs to support Numeracy in an Immersive Classroom.


Explore a range of resources and approaches that can be used to support Numeracy in an IM classroom.

Recognise current practice within Immersive Classrooms.


3.30 pm - 4.30 pm

This online training event will take place via MS Teams.

Please ensure you enter your email correctly when registering in order to receive the event joining details.


Delivering Numeracy within an Immersive Classroom - ECT IME Professional Learnin...

EOTAS Nursery Post-Primary Primary Special Education

Feedback to Move Forward (Webinar for Teacher Tutors)

Target audience: Teacher Tutors (Nursery/Primary/Post-Primary/Special) Teacher Tutors registered with the EA for the academic year 2024-2025 will have received an access code to enable them to apply for this event.   About this event

The teacher tutor webinar aims to equip Teacher Tutors with proven strategies to conduct meaningful observations, deliver constructive feedback, and drive professional growth for Early Career Teachers.

Webinar Objectives

Understand the role and responsibilities of a Teacher Tutor.

Explore formats for effective lesson observations.

Explore and consider how to give effective feedback to support professional practice development.


3.45 pm - 4.30 pm

This online training event will take place via MS Teams.

Please ensure you enter your email correctly when registering in order to receive the event joining details.



Feedback to Move Forward (Webinar for Teacher Tutors)

EOTAS Nursery Post-Primary Primary Special Education

Wrapping up the Year for Teacher Tutors: An End of Year Toolkit

Target audience: Teacher Tutors (Nursery/Primary/Post-Primary/Special) Teacher Tutors registered with the EA for the academic year 2024-2025 will have received an access code to enable them to apply for this event.   About this event

The teacher tutor webinar will guide Teacher Tutors through end-of-year processes for Induction and EPD, including summative report requirements and PDA Quality Assurance procedures.  This session will explore the GTCNI Portal and share creative ways to celebrate your ECTs' achievements.  The session will conclude with practical planning strategies for the upcoming academic year to ensure a smooth transition.

Webinar Objectives

Develop an understanding of the year end processes for Induction and EPD.

Understand the requirements for summative report writing and PDA Quality Assurance.

Explore the GTCNI Portal and identify key documents to upload.

Explore how to celebrate success with ECTs.

Consider next steps for the new academic year.


3.45 pm - 4.30 pm

This online training event will take place via MS Teams.

Please ensure you enter your email correctly when registering in order to receive the event joining details.



Wrapping up the Year for Teacher Tutors: An End of Year Toolkit

EOTAS Nursery Post-Primary Primary Special Education

See more Education courses >

Educational Psychology Service

Emotionally Based School Non-Attendance (EBSNA) - A framework for supporting Post-Primary Pupils.

This training is suitable for post-primary school staff who work directly with children, young people and families. It is particularly useful for SENCOs, those who work in a pastoral care role and any member of staff responsible for supporting attendance.

The training will be delivered across two sessions as follows:

Session One aims to assist school staff in understanding EBSNA, including the factors that can contribute to it, and maintain it.

Session Two aims to provide school staff with practical ideas and strategies to support young people experiencing EBSNA.

This training will be delivered once per term on the following dates, please note that participants must be available to attend both sessions.

Term 1 Training Dates 

Session 1: 12th November 2024 3:00pm-5:00pm Session 2: 19th November 2024 3:00pm-5:00pm

Term 2 Training Dates

Session 1 : 28th January 2025 3:00pm-5:00pm Session 2: 4th February 2025 3:00pm-5:00pm

Term 3 Training Dates

Session 1: 13th May 2025 3:00pm-5:00pm Session 2: 20th May 2025 3:00pm-5:00pm

This is an online training event and will take place via Microsoft Teams. 

Please Note: Due to limited spaces and availability, we can only allow 2 members of staff per school to attend training.


Emotionally Based School Non-Attendance (EBSNA) - A framework for supporting Pos...

Post-Primary Educational Psychology Service

Emotionally Based School Non-Attendance (EBSNA) - A framework for supporting Primary Pupils

This training is suitable for primary school staff who work directly with children, young people and families. It is particularly useful for SENCOs, those who work in a pastoral care role and any member of staff responsible for supporting attendance.

The training aims to:

Assist staff in identifying and understanding EBSNA, including the factors that can contribute to it, and maintain it. Provide staff with practical ideas and strategies to support young people experiencing EBSNA.

Training will be delivered on the following dates:

Option 1: Wednesday 26th February 2025, 3-5pm. Option 2: Wednesday 7th May 2025, 3-5pm.

This is an online training event and will take place via Microsoft Teams. 

Please Note: Due to limited spaces and availability, we can only allow 2 members of staff per school to attend training.


Emotionally Based School Non-Attendance (EBSNA) - A framework for supporting Pri...

Primary Educational Psychology Service

Emotional Health and Wellbeing

Suicide Awareness Training - Connections Link Life

CONNECTIONS LINK LIFE: Suicide Awareness Training

This training course covers:

Contributing factors that lead to poor mental health, emotional distress & suicide prevention awareness Understanding the role of mental health and emotions in relation to suicide prevention awareness Connect 4-Way Model for helping persons experiencing emotional distress or suicide Tools & resources for support in your community The role of self-care and wellbeing in fortifying mental health and preventing suicide

Participation & Readiness:

We ask that you are emotionally ready for suicide prevention awareness training and understand how to participate;

It is important you click to read and understand *Am I Suitable?* Suicide prevention awareness training is potentially triggering Be confident in your ability to cope with the content of the training Take steps to keep yourself emotionally safe during training Best practice advises that people who have been bereaved by suicide or by any other traumatic death within the last 6 months, should not attend It is important that you click to read and understand the *How To Participate group agreement*

Course Details:

12th November 2024

9th January 2025

25th February 2025

7th May 2025

Time: 9.30am - 1.00pm

Training will take place via online platform

Please ensure you have entered your email correctly to receive the training details


Primary, KS2 and Post Primary SENCO's, Principals and Pastoral Vice-Principals 


Suicide Awareness Training - Connections Link Life

Post-Primary Primary Emotional Health and Wellbeing

Developing a Whole School Response to Bereavement and Critical Incidents (2 day course)


Day One

1. Greater knowledge and understanding of bereavement, grief responses and mourning​
2. Increased ability to understand, promote, and support bereavement and loss issues within your educational setting
3. Additional confidence to identify, offer support and/or signpost a member of your educational setting experiencing bereavement or grief

Day Two 

4. Enhanced understanding of the supportive role of the Education Authority Critical Incident Response Team
5. Greater awareness of the many complex issues accompanying a critical incident
6. Increased knowledge and resources to develop a Critical Incident Management Policy and Plan


Course Details:

This course is a two day course and attendance on both days is compulsory.

8th & 9th October 2024

26th & 27th November 2024

11th & 12th March 2025

20th & 21st May 2025

Time: 9.30am - 1.00pm (on 2 consecutive days)

Training will take place via online platform

Please ensure you have entered your email correctly to receive the training details


Primary, KS2 and Post Primary SENCO's, Principals and Pastoral Vice-Principals 


Developing a Whole School Response to Bereavement and Critical Incidents (2 day ...

Nursery Post-Primary Primary Emotional Health and Wellbeing

Promoting Positive Emotional Health and Wellbeing


1. Greater knowledge of mental health and wellbeing issues which impact children and young people's readiness to learn​ 
2. Increased ability to understand, promote, and support positive mental health & wellbeing within your educational setting
3. Additional confidence to identify, offer support and/or signpost a member of your educational setting experiencing a wellbeing issue 


Course Details:

24th October 2024

5th December 2024

6th February 2025

17th April 2025

Time: 9.30am - 1.00pm

Training will take place via online platform

Please ensure you have entered your email correctly to receive the training details


Primary and Post Primary SENCO's, Principals and Pastoral Vice-Principals 


Promoting Positive Emotional Health and Wellbeing

Post-Primary Primary Emotional Health and Wellbeing


Physical Activity in Pre-school

This training will be held online, via Teams, on Thursday the 27th of February at 2:00 pm and delivered by the Trust Physiotherapy Service.  The session will cover the following:-

Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Guidance by age. Gross motor skills and Cognition Typical development of a 3 year old Developing Gross Motor Skills Core stability Balance and co-ordination



Physical Activity in Pre-school


Health & Safety

First Aid at Work Refresher (2 Day)

Two day refresher course

This course is for staff members who hold a current First Aid at Work certificate and need to refresh their skills. Skills must be refreshed every three years. Holders of this certificate can refresh their skills three months prior to their certificate expiry date or up to twenty eight days after their certificate expires. The full three day course must be retaken if the refresher course is not successfully completed within this time period.

A copy of the applicant’s current First-Aid certificate must be uploaded at the time of booking.   

Candidates must attend both days and successfully complete all aspects of the course to qualify for recertification.

Cancellations must be made in writing at least 7 days before the course date or the full course fee will still be charged.

9.30 - 1630

Cost £62 & VAT pp 

Location as selected 

Please see First Aid guidance for further information 


First Aid at Work Refresher (2 Day)

Everyone Health & Safety

First Aid at Work Training (3 Day)

Three day First Aid at Work course

Staff members who successfully complete this course will be recognised as a First-aider. 

This course will cover:

Administering First Aid to a casualty who is unconscious, wounded and bleeding, choking, suffering from shock, minor injuries and also administering CPR. Injuries to bones, muscles and joints, including suspected spinal injuries; chest injuries; burns and scalds; eye injuries; anaphylactic shock; sudden poisoning and recognise the presence of major illness and provide appropriate first aid.

Candidates must attend and complete all aspects of the course to qualify for certification.

9.30 - 16.30  

Location as selected. 

No previous first aider experience is necessary

Cost £91.50 & VAT pp 

Any cancellations must be made in writing at least 7 days before the course date or the full course fee may still be charged.  This applies to all withdrawals i.e. sickness, industrial action, medical appointments, unnotified non-attendance

Please see First Aid guidance for further information 


First Aid at Work Training (3 Day)

Everyone Health & Safety

Language & Communication

Understanding Expressive Language in the Classroom


The EA Language and Communication Service and RISE NI have come together to develop courses to support teachers in the classroom and beyond. Understanding Expressive Language in the Classroom will be delivered remotely via 4 online sessions: - What are Expressive language difficulties?

- How to identify a pupil with Expressive language difficulties.

- Building a supportive environment.

- Specific strategies for supporting Expressive language development.

Course Details:

Each session will consist of a pre-recorded online video presentation and activities to support your learning.

If you have never attended any receptive language training, it is recommended that you first complete “Understanding Receptive Language in the Classroom” in preparation for this course.

This course was originally developed for Googel Classroom. If you hear Google Classroom referenced treat it was the site you are using.


Pre School and Primary Teachers, Classroom Assistants and SENCO's


Understanding Expressive Language in the Classroom

Pre-School Primary Language & Communication

Understanding Receptive Language in the Classroom


The EA Language and Communication Service and RISE NI have come together to develop courses to support teachers in the classroom and beyond. Understanding Receptive Language in the Classroom will be delivered remotely via 4 online sessions:

- What are Receptive language difficulties?

- How to identify a pupil with Receptive language difficulties.

- Building a supportive environment.

- Specific strategies for supporting Receptive language development.

Course Details:

Each session will consist of a pre-recorded online video presentation, activities to support your learning and useful links.


Pre School and Primary Teachers, Classroom Assistants and SENCO's


Understanding Receptive Language in the Classroom

Pre-School Primary Language & Communication

KS2 - Creating a Communication and Emotion Friendly Environment in a Key Stage Two classroom

The EA Language and Communication Service and RISE NI have come together to develop a course to support teachers in the classroom and beyond. This course will help you build a Communication and Emotion Friendly Environment for your pupils in your setting.

By the end of this training we hope the following outcomes will be achieved by: 

Exploring what we as adults need to do to make our classrooms language, communication and emotion friendly.  Focusing on building strong interpersonal relationships  Looking at a few key areas: Communication Strategies, Social Communication, Emotional Communication Strategies and how to use talk to extend young people’s thinking.  Discussing resources and how to embed this into the school day! 



KS2 - Creating a Communication and Emotion Friendly Environment in a Key Stage T...

Key Stage 2 Language & Communication

Developing Early Attention​ and Listening Skills

This professional learning course on developing early attention and listening skills, has been written and produced collaboratively by RISE NI, SENIS MLD, SEN EYIS, the School Improvement Service and the Language and Communication Service.   

Our aim is to present to you a toolkit to help you informally assess attention and listening skills, in your setting with individuals, groups or whole setting.

In this training there are five sessions: 

Introduction to early attention and listening skills Sensory Motor skills Attention skills Listening skills Attention and Listening Baselines



Developing Early Attention​ and Listening Skills

Foundation Stage Nursery Language & Communication

Phonological Awareness Programme

Created by the Language and Communication Service, the Phonological Awareness Programme offers a fresh approach to this fundamental area of learning. We have split each area into small chunks to allow you to learn at your own pace and delivered the course via Google Classroom so you can access the lessons and materials when and where you need them.

Alongside the lesson videos, you will have access to;
 + over 300 newly created resources and games,
 + example videos of how to use each resource,
 + a progression continuum with detailed charts, and
 + a 5 minute informal assessment tool.


Phonological Awareness Programme

Foundation Stage Nursery Language & Communication

Literacy Service

Overview of Text Help Read Write Software


To introduce the software and explain the context of using it throughout schools in N. Ireland

To discuss the 18-month license for the software purchased by EA which will enable every child to have equal access to the latest version of this software in school and at home.

To explain the benefits of the software and discuss pupil cohorts who will find usage helpful.

To provide a live demo of the basic functions of the software and the settings that support each feature

To provide two short, timed tasks for participants to try themselves to gain experience using the software.

 Course Details:

The training is approximately a 45-minute training video which participants can view in their own time.

The link to access the course will be provided in your confirmation email.

Please ensure you enter your C2K email address correctly to receive the training details.



Overview of Text Help Read Write Software

Post-Primary Pre-School Primary Literacy Service

Strategies To Support Pupils With Working Memory Difficulties


Revise/highlight what working memory is and how it impacts on a pupil’s ability to learn while at school. To discuss the signs of working memory difficulties and how they might be recognised  both formally and informally. To highlight practical strategies which may support pupils with working memory difficulties at home and school. To signpost to resources and literature which may continue to support parents and teachers who are working to support pupils with working memory difficulties.



Course Details:

The training is approximately a 35 minute training video which participants can view in their own time.

The link to access the course will be provided in your confirmation email.

Please ensure you enter your C2K email address correctly to receive the training details.



Strategies To Support Pupils With Working Memory Difficulties

Post-Primary Primary Literacy Service

An Overview of How Assistive Technology Can Help Pupils With Literacy Difficulties


The aim of this CPD presentation is:

To provide participants with an overview of the resources which are available through the school’s C2K network for supporting pupils experiencing literacy difficulties in the primary and post primary settings.

Course Details:

The training will consist of 2 videos: 1 x 21 minute video and 1 x 46 minute video.

The link to access the course will be provided in your confirmation email.

Please ensure you enter your email address correctly to receive the training details.



An Overview of How Assistive Technology Can Help Pupils With Literacy Difficulti...

Post-Primary Pre-School Primary Literacy Service

Strategies To Support Pupils With Spelling Difficulties


The aim of this CPD presentation is to:

Discuss the theory behind developing an effective approach to supporting spelling development.

Highlight practical strategies to support pupils with spelling difficulties.


 Course Details:

The training is approximately a 1 hour and 20 minute training video which participants can view in their own time.

The link to access the course will be provided in your confirmation email.

Please ensure you enter your email address correctly to receive the training details.



Strategies To Support Pupils With Spelling Difficulties

Post-Primary Primary Literacy Service

Strategies To Support Pupils With Comprehension Difficulties


The aim of this CPD presentation is to introduce participants to:

Discuss theory behind promoting comprehension as an essential reading skill

To discuss examples of best practice in supporting pupils with reading comprehension difficulties.


Course Details:

The training is approximately a 1 hour 25 minute training video which participants can view in their own time.

The link to access the course will be provided in your confirmation email.

Please ensure you enter your C2K email address correctly to receive the training details.


Strategies To Support Pupils With Comprehension Difficulties

Post-Primary Primary Literacy Service

Dyslexia Friendly Post Primary Classroom


To discuss indicators of dyslexia at the Post Primary phase

To help teachers identify reasonable adjustments in their own classrooms and lesson delivery so that learning is more accessible and inclusive for students

To help teachers identify pre-existing in-house technology to help support learners who are underachieving in the classroom

To help teachers reflect on their own skills base and identify areas which they can develop through a dyslexia friendly audit.


Course Details:

The training is approximately a 55 minute training video which participants can view in their own time.

The link to access the course will be provided in your confirmation email.

Please ensure you enter your C2K email address correctly to receive the training details.



Dyslexia Friendly Post Primary Classroom

Post-Primary Literacy Service

Dyslexia Friendly Primary Classroom


To highlight indicators of dyslexia across the Key stages.

To help teachers identify reasonable adjustments in your own classrooms and lesson delivery so that learning is more accessible and inclusive for all pupils

To help you identify pre-existing in-house technology to help support learners who are underachieving in the classroom

To reflect on your own skills base and identify areas that you can develop through a dyslexia friendly audit form

Course Details:

The training is approximately a 50 minute training video which participants can view in their own time.

The link to access the course will be provided in your confirmation email.

Please ensure you enter your C2K email address correctly to receive the training details.



Dyslexia Friendly Primary Classroom

Primary Literacy Service

Transition From P7 to Year 8


Discuss areas relating to transition which are difficult for pupils transitioning to post-primary school.

Highlight practical strategies to support pupils in their transition to post-primary school


Course Details:

The training is approximately a 30-minute training video which participants can view in their own time.

The link to access the course will be provided in your confirmation email.

Please ensure you enter your C2K email address correctly to receive the training details.



Transition From P7 to Year 8

Post-Primary Primary Literacy Service

See more Literacy Service courses >


Theraplay Informed Practice - Activities to build attachment


Provide an overview of Theraplay and the practice associated.

Participants will gain an understanding of the following;

What is Theraplay The format of Theraplay Explore some of the activities involved

Course Details:

27 November 2024  -11am - 12pm 

12 March 2025 - 1:30pm  - 2:30pm 

21 May 2025  - 3pm - 4pm 


Pre School, Nursery, Primary, Post Primary and Special School Teachers, SENCO's and Classroom Assistants

If you are currently not attached to any school please select ‘Other’ and if you are a member of Education Authority staff please select ‘Education Authority’ by scrolling to the bottom of the dropdown options.


Theraplay Informed Practice - Activities to build attachment

EOTAS Nursery Post-Primary Primary Special Nurturing

Nurture in Five - Emotional Health Programme


Provide a practical application of emotional health and wellbeing techniques within a nurturing approaches framework Participants will gain an understanding of the following: Emotional health and wellbeing strategies and techniques

Course Details:

20 November 2024 - 11am  - 12pm 

5 March 2025  - 1:30pm - 2:30pm 

14 May 2025   - 3pm - 4pm 


Pre School, Nursery,  Primary, Post Primary and Special School Teachers, SENCO's and Classroom Assistants

If you are currently not attached to any school please select ‘Other’ and if you are a member of Education Authority staff please select ‘Education Authority’ by scrolling to the bottom of the dropdown options


Nurture in Five - Emotional Health Programme

EOTAS Nursery Post-Primary Primary Special Nurturing

Connect and Nurture (CAN)


Provide an overview of the Connect & Nurture programme and its practical application of Circle. Participants will gain an understanding of the following; To build on previous Circle Time experiences relative to trauma informed practice. To provide staff with the opportunity to explore Connect and Nurture activities and ideas to support the development of Social, Emotional, Behavioural and Well-being (SBEW).

Course Details:

11 December 2024  - 11am - 12pm 

26 March 2025  - 1:30pm  - 2:30pm 

4 June 2025  - 3pm - 4pm 


Pre School, Nursery,  Primary, Post Primary and Special School Teachers, SENCO's and Classroom Assistants

If you are currently not attached to any school please select ‘Other’ and if you are a member of Education Authority staff please select ‘Education Authority’ by scrolling to the bottom of the dropdown options



Connect and Nurture (CAN)

EOTAS Nursery Post-Primary Primary Special Nurturing

Nurturing Principles and Practice - An Overview


Participants will gain an understanding of the following: -

Context of Nurture 6 Principles of Nurture Underpinning theory - Neuroscience/Attachment/Trauma Aces Nurturing approaches

Course Details:

06 November  2024 - 11am -12pm 

19 February 2025  -  1:30pm  - 2:30pm 

30 April 2025  - 3pm  - 4pm 


Pre School, Nursery,  Primary, Post Primary and Special School Teachers, SENCO's and Classroom Assistants

If you are currently not attached to any school please select ‘Other’ and if you are a member of Education Authority staff please select  ‘Education Authority’  by scrolling to the bottom of the dropdown options.


Nurturing Principles and Practice - An Overview

EOTAS Nursery Post-Primary Primary Special Nurturing

Primary Children Looked After Advisory Service

Children Looked After: TAP Trauma and Attachment Whole School Awareness Training


The training is part of a suite of trainings available through the Primary Children Looked After Advisory Service, The Attach Programme. It aims to raise awareness in the whole school staff team of the needs of children who are Looked After, by exploring the following:

Introduction to Children Looked After Importance of Relationships Impact of Trauma and Adversity Insecure Attachment Patterns Other Areas of Need Blocked Care/ Culture of Caring Relational ways of Helping/ Supporting Children Looked After Trauma and Attachment Informed Spaces

Course Details

The course consists of eight pre-recorded videos of between 17 and 42 minutes each which participants can view in their own time. Please refer to the information sheet “Preparation for Whole School Training” that has been provided to your school by your supporting Assistant Advisory Officer.

The links to access the presentations will be provided in your confirmation email.

Please ensure you enter your email address correctly to receive the training details.


Children Looked After: TAP Trauma and Attachment Whole School Awareness Training

Primary Primary Children Looked After Advisory Service

It Begins with You: Take Care and Culture of Caring


We recognise just how important it is to take care of the adults who are doing the important work of looking after our children who are Looked After, and all children. These PowerPoints provide some foundational information on self-regulation and creating school communities that are ‘Caring Cultures’ to enable the adults to look after themselves well. There is no requirement to access this resource, but it will hopefully be helpful.

Course Details

This resource is divided into 3 sections, providing approx. 1.5 hours of pre-recorded, narrated material:

It Begins with You: Take Care, Part 1 – why it is important to look after ourselves, stress responses, and supporting the basics of regulation to take care of ourselves.

It Begins with You: Take Care, Part 2 – therapeutic ideas and activities for achieving a regulated state in the context of looking after ourselves.

Taking Care of Each Other – how we can create a "Culture of Caring" in our school communities and look after each other.

Please refer to the information sheet "SNC Info on Narrated PowerPoints It Begins with You - Take Care and Culture of Caring" that has been provided to your school by your supporting Assistant Advisory Officer.

The links to access the presentations will be provided in your confirmation email.

Please ensure you enter your email address correctly to receive the training details.


It Begins with You: Take Care and Culture of Caring

Primary Primary Children Looked After Advisory Service

Children Looked After: Social Care Systems Training for Schools


This training is part of a suite of trainings available through the Primary Children Looked After Advisory Service. It aims to explain the legal definitions and terms in relation to Children Looked After within the Social Care System.

• Introduction

• What is a Child Looked After

• The Legal Status of Children Looked After

• Placement Types

• Inter-Agency Working

• Children Looked After Processes

• Summary - The Social Care Profile

Course Details

The course consists of 7 pre-recorded modules lasting just over 30 minutes in total which participants can view in their own time.

The links to access the presentations will be provided in a confirmation email upon registration.

Please ensure you enter your email address correctly to receive the training details.


Children Looked After: Social Care Systems Training for Schools

Primary Primary Children Looked After Advisory Service

School Development

The Engine Room - Locality North


To build capacity of middle leaders to lead school improvement, in order to develop high quality learning experiences and improve outcomes for pupils.

Structure / Content

This programme consists of 3 x ½ day face-to-face sessions facilitated by officers in the Post-primary and Special School Improvement Team. It supports middle leaders to make a positive difference to learners by enhancing their leadership capacity. Sessions provide opportunities for participants to engage in high quality professional dialogue with peers and apply what they learn to their leadership practice. Sessions will focus on the following key questions:

Session 1

What is my role and responsibility as a middle leader? How do I develop a compelling vision that motivates others? What does my leadership feel like to those I lead? How do I know how good we are as a team?

Session 2

How do I create a culture which fosters improvement within my team? How do I know what works? How do I plan effectively for improvement?

Session 3

How do I build an effective team? How do I manage resistance to change? How do I secure accountability?

These sessions are intended as a starting point for participants to consider exploring and developing one or more of the above themes in more detail, which they may wish to pursue with their designated School Improvement Professional.

Participants will attend all sessions and will be supported to engage in inquiry-based practice between sessions.


The Engine Room - Locality North

Post-Primary Special School Development

Building Synergy - Session 2: How to Baseline, track and measure Impact for Community Use of Schools (CUOS)

These sessions are suitable for Principals and staff with remit for community links.


This two-session series offers schools an opportunity to explore how CUOS can impact children’s learning and school improvement.

After completion of the two sessions schools will be given access to an online portal of information, resources, case studies and a network of contacts to enable them to apply the learning from the sessions.


This session will enable schools to baseline their level of CUOS and chart a pathway ahead to develop their progress.

Focus on how schools measure the impact of CUOS on their children, staff, parents/carers and the wider community.

Guidance provided on how to embed CUOS into a school development plan as a driver for school improvement. This will reference how CUOS relates to ETI’s proposed new inspection process.


Building Synergy - Session 2: How to Baseline, track and measure Impact for Comm...

Everyone School Development

The Engine Room - Locality East


To build capacity of middle leaders to lead school improvement, in order to develop high quality learning experiences and improve outcomes for pupils.

Structure / Content

This programme consists of 3 x ½ day face-to-face sessions facilitated by officers in the Post-primary and Special School Improvement Team. It supports middle leaders to make a positive difference to learners by enhancing their leadership capacity. Sessions provide opportunities for participants to engage in high quality professional dialogue with peers and apply what they learn to their leadership practice. Sessions will focus on the following key questions:

Session 1

What is my role and responsibility as a middle leader? How do I develop a compelling vision that motivates others? What does my leadership feel like to those I lead? How do I know how good we are as a team?

Session 2

How do I create a culture which fosters improvement within my team? How do I know what works? How do I plan effectively for improvement?

Session 3

How do I build an effective team? How do I manage resistance to change? How do I secure accountability?

These sessions are intended as a starting point for participants to consider exploring and developing one or more of the above themes in more detail, which they may wish to pursue with their designated School Improvement Professional.

Participants will attend all sessions and will be supported to engage in inquiry-based practice between sessions.


The Engine Room - Locality East

Post-Primary Special School Development

The Engine Room - Locality South West


To build capacity of middle leaders to lead school improvement, in order to develop high quality learning experiences and improve outcomes for pupils.

Structure / Content

This programme consists of 3 x ½ day face-to-face sessions facilitated by officers in the Post-primary and Special School Improvement Team. It supports middle leaders to make a positive difference to learners by enhancing their leadership capacity. Sessions provide opportunities for participants to engage in high quality professional dialogue with peers and apply what they learn to their leadership practice. Sessions will focus on the following key questions:

Session 1

What is my role and responsibility as a middle leader? How do I develop a compelling vision that motivates others? What does my leadership feel like to those I lead? How do I know how good we are as a team?

Session 2

How do I create a culture which fosters improvement within my team? How do I know what works? How do I plan effectively for improvement?

Session 3

How do I build an effective team? How do I manage resistance to change? How do I secure accountability?

These sessions are intended as a starting point for participants to consider exploring and developing one or more of the above themes in more detail, which they may wish to pursue with their designated School Improvement Professional.

Participants will attend all sessions and will be supported to engage in inquiry-based practice between sessions.


The Engine Room - Locality South West

Post-Primary Special School Development

Locality East - Towards an Evidence-Informed Profession


To support the development of learning & teaching through a shared process of structured inquiry and professional reflection.

Structure / Content

The programme will provide a facilitated opportunity to collaborate, learn and network with colleagues across the system.  This approach is guided by Learning Leaders (2016) putting teachers at the heart of their own professional learning journey.  All teachers will be supported to identify their own inquiry question for professional development. The programme will consist of four half day workshops, with the first one aimed at leaders of learning and teaching in addition to teachers:

Session 1 - ‘What does effective learning and teaching look like?’  What does the research tell us are “best bets”? Session 2 - ‘Exploring a cycle of inquiry to develop your classroom practice.’ Session 3 – ‘Building, engaging with and contributing to professional learning communities’ including the development of subject networks. Session 4 - ‘Know thy impact.’ Evaluating the Impact of Teacher Professional Learning on student learning

Each session will be supported by featured modules / inputs from practitioners.

These sessions are intended as a starting point for participants to consider exploring and developing one or more of the above themes in more detail, which they may wish to pursue with their designated School Improvement Professional.

Participants will attend all sessions and will be supported to engage in inquiry-based practice between sessions. 

Senior Teachers with responsibility for leading learning and teaching will commit to supporting this developmental work, including attending the sessions and facilitating inquiry as a methodology for improving classroom practice.



Locality East - Towards an Evidence-Informed Profession

Post-Primary Special School Development

Locality South West - Towards an Evidence-Informed Profession


To support the development of learning & teaching through a shared process of structured inquiry and professional reflection.

Structure / Content

The programme will provide a facilitated opportunity to collaborate, learn and network with colleagues across the system.  This approach is guided by Learning Leaders (2016) putting teachers at the heart of their own professional learning journey.  All teachers will be supported to identify their own inquiry question for professional development. The programme will consist of four half day workshops, with the first one aimed at leaders of learning and teaching in addition to teachers:

Session 1 - ‘What does effective learning and teaching look like?’  What does the research tell us are “best bets”? Session 2 - ‘Exploring a cycle of inquiry to develop your classroom practice.’ Session 3 – ‘Building, engaging with and contributing to professional learning communities’ including the development of subject networks. Session 4 - ‘Know thy impact.’ Evaluating the Impact of Teacher Professional Learning on student learning

Each session will be supported by featured modules / inputs from practitioners.

These sessions are intended as a starting point for participants to consider exploring and developing one or more of the above themes in more detail, which they may wish to pursue with their designated School Improvement Professional.

Participants will attend all sessions and will be supported to engage in inquiry-based practice between sessions. 

Senior Teachers with responsibility for leading learning and teaching will commit to supporting this developmental work, including attending the sessions and facilitating inquiry as a methodology for improving classroom practice.



Locality South West - Towards an Evidence-Informed Profession

Post-Primary Special School Development

Leading and Managing Numeracy - Locality North

This is a full day course. If you register for a particular date and find that you are unable to attend it is important to email the named contact so your place can be reallocated.   Aims:  To consider the role of the Mathematics and Numeracy Co-ordinator. To provide guidance on creating an action plan for improvement in Mathematics and Numeracy. To explore a range of strategies for monitoring and evaluating progress and impact. Facilitators:

SDS Primary Team

Course Details:

This full day course will be delivered in four separate cohorts.  Please select the cohort that best suits you in terms of venue and dates.  If your first choice of cohort is not available, please select another cohort.  If there are no remaining places, a waiting list will be created and you will be notified if a place becomes available.

Please ensure you have entered your email correctly to receive the training details.

Course Duration:

1 day - 09:15 - 15:00

DENI Number: 

During the registration process you will be asked for your setting’s Department of Education Reference Number - this must be input accurately. 



Leading and Managing Numeracy - Locality North

Numeracy Co-ordinator – Primary School Development

Planning for Improvement Session 4: Nursery Schools only


To understand the regulations for drafting a School Development Plan.  Understand that a concise and easy to read plan is best. Understand how drafting can be shared across the school. Understand the power of sharing and celebrating success.

Structure / Content

School principals will explore the SDP schedule and be given guidance on how to draft a concise, but meaningful document. ​The importance of sharing the SDP will also be stressed. The benefits of ongoing review and celebration of the SDP will be highlighted. 

Please note you are only required to book and attend 1 session/venue out of 4.

Planning for Improvement Session 4: Nursery Schools only

Nursery School Development

See more School Development courses >

School Governance Service

Induction for School Governors Webinar 2024/25

This webinar is an important introduction to the role of a Governor. It outlines essential information on the structure, role and responsibilities of Governors and how Boards of Governors function as a governing body.


Induction for School Governors Webinar 2024/25

School Governors School Governance Service

Managing & Supporting Staff Attendance Webinar 2024/25

Managing and Supporting Staff Attendance

To ensure understanding of Managing Attendance practice and procedures.
To enhance understanding of the roles and responsibilities in relation to the management of staff attendance (teaching and non-teaching) including good practice tools and support available to and in support of staff and Principals.

Also to 
- Develop knowledge and skills to help you to deal with a range of situations in a school setting
- Provide an overview of the legal background
- Reinforce the key stakeholder roles and their responsibilities
- To discuss the key operational tasks in line with the relevant Attendance Management procedure  
- Consider Disability discrimination issue


Managing & Supporting Staff Attendance Webinar 2024/25

School Governors School Governance Service

Managing & Supporting Staff Attendance Webinar 2024/25

Managing and Supporting Staff Attendance

To ensure understanding of Managing Attendance practice and procedures.
To enhance understanding of the roles and responsibilities in relation to the management of staff attendance (teaching and non-teaching) including good practice tools and support available to and in support of staff and Principals.

Also to 
- Develop knowledge and skills to help you to deal with a range of situations in a school setting
- Provide an overview of the legal background
- Reinforce the key stakeholder roles and their responsibilities
- To discuss the key operational tasks in line with the relevant Attendance Management procedure  
- Consider Disability discrimination issue


Managing & Supporting Staff Attendance Webinar 2024/25

School Governors School Governance Service

The Addressing Bullying in Schools Act Webinar 2024/25

This webinar will give an outline of statutory requirements for each Schools Board of Governors to oversee the implementation of the Addressing Bullying In School's Act 2016 that commenced in September 2021.


The Addressing Bullying in Schools Act Webinar 2024/25

School Governors School Governance Service

Induction for School Governors - Locality North area

For new school governors.  This 'in person' event is an important introduction to the role of a Governor. It will outline essential information on the structure, role and responsibilities of Governors and how Boards of Governors function as a governing body.


Induction for School Governors - Locality North area

School Governors School Governance Service

Induction for School Governors -Locality South West Area

For new school governors.  This 'in person' event is an important introduction to the role of a Governor. It will outline essential information on the structure, role and responsibilities of Governors and how Boards of Governors function as a governing body.


Induction for School Governors -Locality South West Area

School Governors School Governance Service

Induction for School Governors - Locality East Area

For new school governors.  This 'in person' event is an important introduction to the role of a Governor. It will outline essential information on the structure, role and responsibilities of Governors and how Boards of Governors function as a governing body.


Induction for School Governors - Locality East Area

School Governors School Governance Service

SEN Specialist Setting Support Team

Supporting Learning in a Specialist Provision - Primary


Training Aim:

This session is an opportunity for Primary Specialist Provision staff to explore how to plan for delivering the NI Curriculum, to effectively meet the needs of pupils within their setting.

Course Content:

This session has been specifically developed to support the following -
1. Explore the rationale for a teaching, learning and assessment model using 3 IEP cycles,
2. Outline tools for identifying pupil needs,
3. Highlight possible models of curriculum delivery,
4. Suggest methods of monitoring and evaluating learning,
5. Signpost to relevant CCEA documentation.

Time: 3.00pm - 4.00pm

Suggested Audience:

Primary Setting Teachers, School Leadership Team, Learning Support Coordintors (SENCo)

Location - MS Teams


Supporting Learning in a Specialist Provision - Primary

Primary SEN Specialist Setting Support Team

Setting Up a Specialist Provision - Early Years Classroom


Training Aim:

To provide newly established specialist provisions with guidance on how to set up an Early Years classroom to support meeting the needs of each individual pupil.


Course participants will learn through a delivered presentation, interactive discussions, and experiencing a simulated learning environment. Electronic resources will be made available on completion of training.
Course Content
The training comprises of three important areas for classroom practitioners to consider when setting up their classroom.
1. Physical Structure
2. Visual Schedules
3. Activity Systems

Each of these areas are covered in detail with real-life examples. SSST staff will model their use, followed by supporting discussion about how they can be adapted to suit your own individual classroom environment.

Course Details:

Location: EA Centre

Length: 9.30am - 3.30pm

Suggested Audience:

Early Years Setting Staff, Foundation Stage Setting Staff, School Leadership Team, Learning Support Coordinators (SENCos)


Setting Up a Specialist Provision - Early Years Classroom

Foundation Stage Nursery SEN Specialist Setting Support Team

An overview of Baselining and Tracking in a Specialist Provision - Early Years/Primary


Training Aim:

A cross phase session establishing, the purpose and process of baselining pupils, with a focus on identifying and overviewing appropriate baselining tools for each stage. This session will outline the Baseline and Tracking support available from the SSST.

Course Content:

This session has been specifically developed to support the following:

1. The purpose of Baselining -

• Why we need to baseline our pupils,
• How baseline assessments fit into planning and how they impact practice.

2. An overview of resources:

• A summary of some available baselining resources, outlining the cost, the provider, and an overview of how to use each resource.

3. Summary of support:

Outlining how SSST can support settings with baselining and tracking.

Course Details:

Time: 2.30pm -4.00pm

Suggested Audience:

Early Years, Primary Setting Staff, School Leadership Team, Learning Support Coordinators (SENCo)


An overview of Baselining and Tracking in a Specialist Provision - Early Years/P...

Nursery Primary SEN Specialist Setting Support Team

Setting up a Specialist Provision - Primary Classroom


Training Aim:

To provide staff from newly established, specialist provisions with guidance on how to set up a Primary classroom to support meeting the needs of each individual pupil.


Course participants will learn through a delivered presentation, interactive discussions, and experiencing a simulated learning environment. Electronic resources will be available on completion of training.

Course Content

The training comprises of three important areas for classroom practitioners to consider when setting up their classroom.

1. Physical Structure,
2. Visual Schedules,
3. Activity Systems

Each of these areas are covered in detail with real-life examples. SSST staff will model their use, followed by supporting discussion about how they can be adapted to suit your own indiviudal classroom environment.

Course Details:

EA Centre

Length: 9.30am -3.30pm

Targeted Audience:

Primary Setting Staff, School Leadership, Learning Support Coordinators (SENCos)


Setting up a Specialist Provision - Primary Classroom

Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2 SEN Specialist Setting Support Team

Supporting Learning in Special Provisions - Pre School


Training Aim:

This session is an opportunity for Pre-School specialist provision staff to explore how to plan for effective curriculum delivery to meet the needs of pupils within their setting.

Course Content:

This session has been specifically developed to support the following -

1. Explore the rationale for a teaching, learning and assessment model using 3 IEP cycles,
2. Outline observation and assessment methods to identify pupil needs,
3. Highlight possible models of curriculum delivery,
4. Suggest methods of monitoring and evaluating learning,
5. Signpost to relevant CCEA documentation.

Course Details:

MS Teams

Tme: 2.30pm - 4.00pm 

Suggested Audience:

Nursery/ Pre School staff


Supporting Learning in Special Provisions - Pre School

Nursery SEN Specialist Setting Support Team

Setting up a Specialist Provision - Post Primary Classroom


Training Aim:

To provide staff from newly established specialist provisions with guidance on how to set up a Post Primary classroom to support meeting the needs of each individual pupil

Course participants will learn through a delivered presentation, interactive discussions, and experiencing a simulated learning environment. Electronic resources will be available on completion of training.
Course Content:

The training comprises of three important for classroom practitioners to consider when setting up their classroom:
1. Physical Structure
2. Visual Timetables
3. Systems to develop Pupil Independence

Each of these areas are covered in detail with real-life examples. SSST staff will model their use, followed by supporting discussion about how they can be adapted to suit your own individual classroom environment.

Course Details

Location: EA Centre

Time: 9.30am -3.30pm

Suggested Audience:

Post Primary Setting Staff, School Leadership Team, Learning Support Co-ordinators (SENCos)


Setting up a Specialist Provision - Post Primary Classroom

Key Stage 3 Key Stage 4 SEN Specialist Setting Support Team

Visual Timetables in a Specialist Provision - Post Primary


Training Aim:

A session tailored to your individual setting needs focusing on visual timetables. This training is an opportunity for specialist provision staff to explore how to implement Visual Timetables in their own
classrooms to better support their pupils with SEN.

Course Content:

This session has been specifically developed to support the following –

1. To develop an understanding of visual timetables and the benefit for pupils,

2. How to develop a pupil individual timetable,

3. Develop an understanding of the range and progression of individual timetables that may be required to meet individual pupil needs.

Course Details:

Length: 3.15pm - 4.00pm

Suggested Audience:  Post Primary Setting Staff, School Leadership Teams, Learning Support Coordinators (SENCOs)


Visual Timetables in a Specialist Provision - Post Primary

Post-Primary SEN Specialist Setting Support Team

Overview of Quest and Q skills CCEA Assessment Framework


Training Aim:

A session tailored to provide an overview of Quest and Q-Skills as a tool to assess pupils within specialist provision in mainstream schools.. This overview is for specialist provision teachers & classroom assistants with a focus on using CCEA Assessment Frameworks within your classroom.

Course Content:

Understand how to access CCEA Resources for SEN, Understand the progression of the assessment continuum, Explore the CCEA developmental stages, Quest, Q Skills & SEN Framework for TSPC, Learn about CCEA work in development, Learn how to access CCEA Curriculum Resources & Guidance.

Course Details:

Delivered: MS Teams Time: 3.00pm - 4.00pm Suggested Audience: Early Years & Primary Setting Staff, School Leadership team, Learning Support Coordinators (SENCo)

Overview of Quest and Q skills CCEA Assessment Framework

SEN Specialist Setting Support Team

See more SEN Specialist Setting Support Team courses >


Readiness for commencement of the Graduated Response Framework (Nursery Schools)

• To explain the Graduated Response Guidance Framework.
• To understand the process schools should employ when assessing the needs of children and young people and providing appropriate provision. 
• To consider the role of Provision Mapping and PLPs in illustrating a Graduated Response. 

Course Details:

Antrim Board Centre on 6 March 2025 
EA Dundonald Office on 10 March 2025
EA Derry District Office on 11 March 2025
EA Finaghy Youth Centre on 11 March 2025
Antrim Board Centre on 13 March 2025

Time: 9.30am - 3.00pm



Readiness for commencement of the Graduated Response Framework (Nursery Schools)


SEND Implementation and SENCo Support

This learning area contains modules of SEND training resources and guidance materials for SENCos/Learning Support Coordinators, senior leaders, teaching and non-teaching staff in schools and educational settings. It replaces the old SEND Website which will no longer be accessible. Click on the ‘Documents’ link on the menu on the right of the Dashboard page to find the following topic areas:

Graduated Response (WEP and SpEP) Leadership and Management Parent and Carer Leaflets Personal Learning Plan (PLP) Policies Provision Mapping SEN and Medical Categories SEND Podcasts School Development Day Packs Views of the Child

Some of these resources are also available on the public-facing EANI SEND Website on the new SENCo Support page



To provide an understanding of changes to the SEN Framework To share updates on changes to legislation, regulations and the draft Code of Practice To host resources and materials to support staff who are working with children and young people with SEN in your school or setting.



This learning area is open year-round.


SEND Implementation and SENCo Support

Classroom Assistant EOTAS Foundation Stage Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2 Key Stage 3 Key Stage 4 Key Stage 5 Post-Primary Pre-School Pre-School No Statutory Primary Principal SENCO SEND

Readiness for commencement of the Graduated Response Framework (Playgroups)

• To explain the Graduated Response Guidance Framework.
• To understand the process schools should employ when assessing the needs of children and young people and providing appropriate provision. 
• To consider the role of Provision Mapping and PLPs in illustrating a Graduated Response. 

Course Details:

Omagh Technology Centre on 10 March 2025
EA Clounagh Centre (Portadown) on 11 March 2025 
Dungannon Teachers' Centre on 12 March 2025
EA Finaghy Youth Centre on 12 March 2025
EA Dundonald Centre on 13 March 2025
EA Finaghy Youth Centre on 19 March 2025
Antrim Board Centre on 20 March 2025
EA Clounagh Centre (Portadown) on 20 March 2025
EA Clounagh Centre (Portadown) on 24 March 2025
EA Dundonald Centre on 24 March 2025
EA Clounagh Centre (Portadown) on 25 March 2025
EA Finaghy Youth Centre on 25 March 2025
Antrim Board Centre on 26 March 2025

Time: 9.30am - 3.00pm


Readiness for commencement of the Graduated Response Framework (Playgroups)



Top Techniques: Meeting the Needs of Children in Early Years with Speech, Language and Communication Needs


To consider what speech, language and communication needs are To reflect upon the importance of speech, language and communication in a child’s overall development and learning To raise awareness of the typical development and the needs of the Early Years child To share strategies to support speech, language and communication within the Early Years environment



06 September 2023 -  31 August 2025


Pre School Staff, Classroom Assistants and SENCOs

Please ensure you enter your email address correctly 


Top Techniques: Meeting the Needs of Children in Early Years with Speech, Langua...

Pre-School SENEYIS

Parents Training - Helping Your Child Understand and Manage Their Emotions


To explore ways to help your child understand and express their emotions. To explore ways to promote emotional wellbeing at home To explore ways to help your child calm down



06 September 2023- 31 August 2025

Training will last around 1 Hour and​ Training can be viewed any time suitable to the participant within the date periods

Please ensure you enter your email address correctly to receive training details within your confirmation email.


Parents Training - Helping Your Child Understand and Manage Their Emotions


Parents Training - Helping with Early Communication Skills


To become more aware of how children can communicate. To help respond to all attempts at communication. To provide a range of ideas and strategies to help develop communication skills.

Course Details:

This course will run from 06 September 2023 to 31 August 2025.

Duration: Approx 35 mins

Please ensure you enter your email address correctly to receive training details.


Parents Training - Helping with Early Communication Skills


Parents Training -Supporting Your Child’s Toileting Needs


To learn more about toilet training To explore ways to support your child’s toileting needs


06 September 2023 - 31 August 2025

Training will last around 1 Hour and​ Training can be viewed any time suitable to the participant within the date periods

Please ensure you enter your email address correctly to receive training details within your confirmation email.


Parents Training -Supporting Your Child’s Toileting Needs


Parents Training -Helping Your Child With Language Development


To Know what Speech, Language and Communication ( SLC) Needs are Know how to help your child with Speech, Language and Communication Needs



06 September 2023 - 31 August 2025

Training will last around 1 Hour and​ Training can be viewed any time suitable to the participant within the date periods

Please ensure you enter your email address correctly to receive training details within your confirmation email.


Parents Training -Helping Your Child With Language Development


Awareness and Management of toileting needs for children with SEN


To provide an awareness of the typical development of bladder and bowel control and the implications for supporting children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) To develop an understanding of toileting readiness and to consider strategies for advance preparation to support children with SEN To explore practical strategies for the management of toileting needs for children with SEN 



05 September 2023 - 31 August 2025


Pre School Staff, Classroom Assistants and SENCOs

Please ensure you enter your email address correctly 


Awareness and Management of toileting needs for children with SEN

Pre-School SENEYIS

Helping Children Understand and Manage Their Emotions


To explore strategies to help promote emotional literacy To explore structure, routine and positive behaviour strategies To provide a range of emotional regulation strategies To consider how we can help to de-escalate and manage challenging situations



06 September 2023 - 31 August 2025


Pre School Staff, Classroom Assistants and SENCOs

Please ensure you enter your email address correctly 


Helping Children Understand and Manage Their Emotions

Pre-School SENEYIS

Supporting the Development of Early Communication Skills


To become more aware of how children can communicate. To help respond to all attempts at communication. To provide a range of ideas and strategies to help develop communication skills.

Course Details:

This course will run from 06 September 2023 to 31 August 2025.

Duration: Approx 45 Mins

Please ensure you enter your email address correctly to receive training details.


Supporting the Development of Early Communication Skills

Pre-School SENEYIS


An Overview of the Inclusion of Young People with Down Syndrome in Post Primary Mainstream Settings


To highlight some of the benefits of inclusion for young people with Down syndrome in post primary mainstream settings. To provide an overview of supporting inclusion for young people with down syndrome in post primary mainstream settings. To highlight some of the characteristic difficulties young people with down syndrome have in relation to learning. To provide practical classroom strategies that can be implemented in order to overcome barriers to learning for young people with Down syndrome.

Course Details:

This is an online training video which participants can view in their own time.

The link to access the course will be provided in your confirmation email.


An Overview of the Inclusion of Young People with Down Syndrome in Post Primary ...

Post-Primary SENIS

Early Years Literacy for Children with Down Syndrome


To provide strategies to support language development in children with Down syndrome in the Early Years; To provide an understanding of the specific challenges children with Down syndrome face in learning to read; To provide strategies to begin to overcome these specific challenges; To introduce the Match/Select/Name approach to reading.

Course Details:

This course will be available to access online throughout the school year.


Early Years Literacy for Children with Down Syndrome

Primary SENIS

Early Years Numeracy for Children with Down Syndrome


To provide an overview of the difficulties children with Down syndrome may face in the development of numeracy skills. To provide classroom strategies that may help develop early numeracy skills through play. To introduce ways that multi-sensory maths resources can be used to support children with Down syndrome in the preschool setting.

Course Details:

This course will be available to access online throughout the school year.


Early Years Numeracy for Children with Down Syndrome

Pre-School SENIS

Overview of the Effective Inclusion of Pupils with Down Syndrome


To provide an overview of the developmental profile of children and young people with Down syndrome To provide an overview of the learning profile of children with Down Syndrome To highlight ways of adapting good practice regarding inclusion. To provide teaching and learning strategies to support children with Down Syndrome within primary educational settings

Course Details:

This course will be available to access online throughout the school year.


Overview of the Effective Inclusion of Pupils with Down Syndrome

Primary SENIS

Promoting Positive Behaviour in Children with Down Syndrome


To provide an overview of factors which impact behaviour and functions of challenging behaviour. To provide an overview of the behavioural traits/challenges of children with Down Syndrome. To provide an understanding of how to analyse and address behaviour using an ABC (Antecedent, Behaviour, Consequence) approach. To provide evidence based strategies to implement within a school setting to promote positive behaviour for children with Down Syndrome.

Course Details:

This course will be available to access online throughout the school year.


Promoting Positive Behaviour in Children with Down Syndrome

Primary SENIS

Sensory Integration for Children with Down Syndrome


To provide an overview of Sensory Integration/Processing. To provide an overview of how Sensory Integration/Processing affects children with Down Syndrome and how this might present within a school setting. To provide an understanding of specific sensory integration difficulties and the associated challenges. To provide a range of evidence based strategies that can be implemented to help reduce the impact of sensory processing difficulties for children with Down Syndrome.

Course Details:

This course will be available to access online throughout the school year.


Sensory Integration for Children with Down Syndrome

Primary SENIS

Supporting Communication Difficulties In Children With Down Syndrome


To provide an overview of characteristic difficulties affecting language development in children with Down Syndrome. To explore the impact these characteristic difficulties have on communication. To provide evidence based strategies to implement within a school/early years setting to support language and communication difficulties in children with Down Syndrome. To provide an overview of signing systems and to explore the benefits of signing with children with Down Syndrome.

Course Details:

This course will be available to access online throughout the school year.


Supporting Communication Difficulties In Children With Down Syndrome

Primary SENIS

Language and Communication for Pupils with Severe Learning Difficulties


A session tailored to your individual setting needs with a focus on highlighting how speech and language develops and how it can be impacted by a diagnosis of severe learning difficulties.

Course Content:

This session has been specifically developed to support the following -

Cover a range of strategies to support children with language and communication difficulties, Explain what speech and language difficulties are, and how they may present in children with SLD, Provide setting staff with possible strategies and interventions which can help to support attention and listening. Course Duration: A 40 Minute Session Target Audience All staff supporting pupils with Severe Learning Difficulties Location: Delivered by SENIS SLD Service

Language and Communication for Pupils with Severe Learning Difficulties

Everyone SENIS

See more SENIS courses >