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Training & Events

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School Development

The Engine Room - Locality North


To build capacity of middle leaders to lead school improvement, in order to develop high quality learning experiences and improve outcomes for pupils.

Structure / Content

This programme consists of 3 x ½ day face-to-face sessions facilitated by officers in the Post-primary and Special School Improvement Team. It supports middle leaders to make a positive difference to learners by enhancing their leadership capacity. Sessions provide opportunities for participants to engage in high quality professional dialogue with peers and apply what they learn to their leadership practice. Sessions will focus on the following key questions:

Session 1

What is my role and responsibility as a middle leader? How do I develop a compelling vision that motivates others? What does my leadership feel like to those I lead? How do I know how good we are as a team?

Session 2

How do I create a culture which fosters improvement within my team? How do I know what works? How do I plan effectively for improvement?

Session 3

How do I build an effective team? How do I manage resistance to change? How do I secure accountability?

These sessions are intended as a starting point for participants to consider exploring and developing one or more of the above themes in more detail, which they may wish to pursue with their designated School Improvement Professional.

Participants will attend all sessions and will be supported to engage in inquiry-based practice between sessions.


The Engine Room - Locality North

Post-Primary Special School Development

Building Synergy - Session 2: How to Baseline, track and measure Impact for Community Use of Schools (CUOS)

These sessions are suitable for Principals and staff with remit for community links.


This two-session series offers schools an opportunity to explore how CUOS can impact children’s learning and school improvement.

After completion of the two sessions schools will be given access to an online portal of information, resources, case studies and a network of contacts to enable them to apply the learning from the sessions.


This session will enable schools to baseline their level of CUOS and chart a pathway ahead to develop their progress.

Focus on how schools measure the impact of CUOS on their children, staff, parents/carers and the wider community.

Guidance provided on how to embed CUOS into a school development plan as a driver for school improvement. This will reference how CUOS relates to ETI’s proposed new inspection process.


Building Synergy - Session 2: How to Baseline, track and measure Impact for Comm...

Everyone School Development

The Engine Room - Locality East


To build capacity of middle leaders to lead school improvement, in order to develop high quality learning experiences and improve outcomes for pupils.

Structure / Content

This programme consists of 3 x ½ day face-to-face sessions facilitated by officers in the Post-primary and Special School Improvement Team. It supports middle leaders to make a positive difference to learners by enhancing their leadership capacity. Sessions provide opportunities for participants to engage in high quality professional dialogue with peers and apply what they learn to their leadership practice. Sessions will focus on the following key questions:

Session 1

What is my role and responsibility as a middle leader? How do I develop a compelling vision that motivates others? What does my leadership feel like to those I lead? How do I know how good we are as a team?

Session 2

How do I create a culture which fosters improvement within my team? How do I know what works? How do I plan effectively for improvement?

Session 3

How do I build an effective team? How do I manage resistance to change? How do I secure accountability?

These sessions are intended as a starting point for participants to consider exploring and developing one or more of the above themes in more detail, which they may wish to pursue with their designated School Improvement Professional.

Participants will attend all sessions and will be supported to engage in inquiry-based practice between sessions.


The Engine Room - Locality East

Post-Primary Special School Development

The Engine Room - Locality South West


To build capacity of middle leaders to lead school improvement, in order to develop high quality learning experiences and improve outcomes for pupils.

Structure / Content

This programme consists of 3 x ½ day face-to-face sessions facilitated by officers in the Post-primary and Special School Improvement Team. It supports middle leaders to make a positive difference to learners by enhancing their leadership capacity. Sessions provide opportunities for participants to engage in high quality professional dialogue with peers and apply what they learn to their leadership practice. Sessions will focus on the following key questions:

Session 1

What is my role and responsibility as a middle leader? How do I develop a compelling vision that motivates others? What does my leadership feel like to those I lead? How do I know how good we are as a team?

Session 2

How do I create a culture which fosters improvement within my team? How do I know what works? How do I plan effectively for improvement?

Session 3

How do I build an effective team? How do I manage resistance to change? How do I secure accountability?

These sessions are intended as a starting point for participants to consider exploring and developing one or more of the above themes in more detail, which they may wish to pursue with their designated School Improvement Professional.

Participants will attend all sessions and will be supported to engage in inquiry-based practice between sessions.


The Engine Room - Locality South West

Post-Primary Special School Development

Locality East - Towards an Evidence-Informed Profession


To support the development of learning & teaching through a shared process of structured inquiry and professional reflection.

Structure / Content

The programme will provide a facilitated opportunity to collaborate, learn and network with colleagues across the system.  This approach is guided by Learning Leaders (2016) putting teachers at the heart of their own professional learning journey.  All teachers will be supported to identify their own inquiry question for professional development. The programme will consist of four half day workshops, with the first one aimed at leaders of learning and teaching in addition to teachers:

Session 1 - ‘What does effective learning and teaching look like?’  What does the research tell us are “best bets”? Session 2 - ‘Exploring a cycle of inquiry to develop your classroom practice.’ Session 3 – ‘Building, engaging with and contributing to professional learning communities’ including the development of subject networks. Session 4 - ‘Know thy impact.’ Evaluating the Impact of Teacher Professional Learning on student learning

Each session will be supported by featured modules / inputs from practitioners.

These sessions are intended as a starting point for participants to consider exploring and developing one or more of the above themes in more detail, which they may wish to pursue with their designated School Improvement Professional.

Participants will attend all sessions and will be supported to engage in inquiry-based practice between sessions. 

Senior Teachers with responsibility for leading learning and teaching will commit to supporting this developmental work, including attending the sessions and facilitating inquiry as a methodology for improving classroom practice.



Locality East - Towards an Evidence-Informed Profession

Post-Primary Special School Development

Locality South West - Towards an Evidence-Informed Profession


To support the development of learning & teaching through a shared process of structured inquiry and professional reflection.

Structure / Content

The programme will provide a facilitated opportunity to collaborate, learn and network with colleagues across the system.  This approach is guided by Learning Leaders (2016) putting teachers at the heart of their own professional learning journey.  All teachers will be supported to identify their own inquiry question for professional development. The programme will consist of four half day workshops, with the first one aimed at leaders of learning and teaching in addition to teachers:

Session 1 - ‘What does effective learning and teaching look like?’  What does the research tell us are “best bets”? Session 2 - ‘Exploring a cycle of inquiry to develop your classroom practice.’ Session 3 – ‘Building, engaging with and contributing to professional learning communities’ including the development of subject networks. Session 4 - ‘Know thy impact.’ Evaluating the Impact of Teacher Professional Learning on student learning

Each session will be supported by featured modules / inputs from practitioners.

These sessions are intended as a starting point for participants to consider exploring and developing one or more of the above themes in more detail, which they may wish to pursue with their designated School Improvement Professional.

Participants will attend all sessions and will be supported to engage in inquiry-based practice between sessions. 

Senior Teachers with responsibility for leading learning and teaching will commit to supporting this developmental work, including attending the sessions and facilitating inquiry as a methodology for improving classroom practice.



Locality South West - Towards an Evidence-Informed Profession

Post-Primary Special School Development

Leading and Managing Numeracy - Locality North

This is a full day course. If you register for a particular date and find that you are unable to attend it is important to email the named contact so your place can be reallocated.   Aims:  To consider the role of the Mathematics and Numeracy Co-ordinator. To provide guidance on creating an action plan for improvement in Mathematics and Numeracy. To explore a range of strategies for monitoring and evaluating progress and impact. Facilitators:

SDS Primary Team

Course Details:

This full day course will be delivered in four separate cohorts.  Please select the cohort that best suits you in terms of venue and dates.  If your first choice of cohort is not available, please select another cohort.  If there are no remaining places, a waiting list will be created and you will be notified if a place becomes available.

Please ensure you have entered your email correctly to receive the training details.

Course Duration:

1 day - 09:15 - 15:00

DENI Number: 

During the registration process you will be asked for your setting’s Department of Education Reference Number - this must be input accurately. 



Leading and Managing Numeracy - Locality North

Numeracy Co-ordinator – Primary School Development

Planning for Improvement Session 4: Nursery Schools only


To understand the regulations for drafting a School Development Plan.  Understand that a concise and easy to read plan is best. Understand how drafting can be shared across the school. Understand the power of sharing and celebrating success.

Structure / Content

School principals will explore the SDP schedule and be given guidance on how to draft a concise, but meaningful document. ​The importance of sharing the SDP will also be stressed. The benefits of ongoing review and celebration of the SDP will be highlighted. 

Please note you are only required to book and attend 1 session/venue out of 4.

Planning for Improvement Session 4: Nursery Schools only

Nursery School Development

Planning for Improvement Session 4


To understand the regulations for drafting a School Development Plan.  Understand that a concise and easy to read plan is best. Understand how drafting can be shared across the school. Understand the power of sharing and celebrating success.

Structure / Content

School principals will explore the SDP schedule and be given guidance on how to draft a concise, but meaningful document. ​The importance of sharing the SDP will also be stressed. The benefits of ongoing review and celebration of the SDP will be highlighted. 

Please note you are only required to book and attend 1 session/venue out of 20.

Planning for Improvement Session 4

Primary School Development

Maximising learning through play - The World Around Us in the FS.

Maximise learning in The World Around Us by engaging children in exploratory and investigative learning experiences. All participants should register individually even if the training is viewed within a group setting as this information is required for statistical purposes.  


Course Details:

This workshop will be delivered online on the 20th February 2025.

The link to access the course will be provided in the confirmation of registration e-mail. 

Please ensure you have entered your email correctly to receive the training details

Course Duration:

1 hour - 15.15 - 16.15


DENI Number:

During the registration process you will be asked for your setting’s Department of Education Reference Number - this must be entered accurately. 


Maximising learning through play - The World Around Us in the FS.

Foundation Stage School Development

Locality North (Antrim & Newtownabbey, Causeway Coast & Glens, Derry & Strabane, Mid & East Antrim)

This is a three day course and participants are required to attend all three dates. If you register for these dates and find that you are unable to attend, it is important to email the named contact so that your place can be reallocated. Aims:  To consider strategies for developing and enriching children’s mathematical reasoning and problem solving.  To explore a range of practical ideas which promote mathematical reasoning and problem solving.  To provide a range of resources to support teachers in developing rich mathematical experiences in reasoning and problem solving.  Facilitators:

Robert Thompson & Ashleigh Maw

Course Details:

This three day course will be delivered in three separate cohorts.  Please select the cohort that best suits you in terms of venue and dates.  If your first choice of cohort is not available, please select another cohort.  If there are no remaining places, a waiting list will be created and you will be notified if a place becomes available.

Please ensure you have entered your email correctly to receive the training details.

Course Duration:

3 days - 09:15 - 15:00

DENI Number:

During the registration process you will be asked for your setting’s Department of Education Reference Number - this must be entered accurately. 



Locality North (Antrim & Newtownabbey, Causeway Coast & Glens, Derry & Strabane,...

Numeracy Co-ordinator School Development

Maximising learning through play - The Arts in FS.

Maximise learning through The Arts by engaging children in creative and expressive play experiences.


All participants should register individually even if the training is viewed within a group setting as this information is required for statistical purposes.  

Course Details:

This workshop will  be delivered online 25 February 2025.

The link to access the course will be provided in the confirmation of registration e-mail. 

Please ensure you have entered your email correctly to receive the training details 

Course Duration:

1 hour - 15.15 - 16.15


DENI Number:

During the registration process you will be asked for your setting’s Department of Education Reference Number - this must be entered accurately. 


Maximising learning through play - The Arts in FS.

Foundation Stage School Development

Locality East (Ards & North Down, Belfast, Lisburn & Castlereagh, Newry, Mourne & Down)

This is a 3 day course and participants are required to attend on all three dates. If you register for these dates and find that you are unable to attend it is important to email the named contact so your place can be reallocated.   Aims:  To consider strategies for developing and enriching children’s mathematical reasoning and problem solving.  To explore a range of practical ideas which promote mathematical reasoning and problem solving.  To provide a range of resources to support teachers in developing rich mathematical experiences in reasoning and problem solving.  Facilitators:

Robert Thompson & Ashleigh Maw

Course Details:

This three day course will be delivered in four separate cohorts.  Please select the cohort that best suits you in terms of venue and dates.  If your first choice of cohort is not available, please select another cohort.  If there are no remaining places, a waiting list will be created and you will be notified if a place becomes available.

Please ensure you have entered your email correctly to receive the training details.

Course Duration:

3 days - 09:15 - 15:00

DENI Number: 

During the registration process you will be asked for your setting’s Department of Education Reference Number - this must be input accurately. 




Locality East (Ards & North Down, Belfast, Lisburn & Castlereagh, Newry, Mourne ...

Numeracy Co-ordinator School Development

Maximising learning through play - ICT in the FS.

Enhance learning through the use of digital technology.


All participants should register individually even if the training is viewed within a group setting as this information is required for statistical purposes.  


Course Details:

This workshop will be delivered online on the 6 March 2025.  

The link to access the course will be provided in the confirmation of registration e-mail. 

Please ensure you have entered your email correctly to receive the training details 

Course Duration:

1 hours 30 mins  14.30 - 16.00


DENI Number:

During the registration process you will be asked for your setting’s Department of Education Reference Number - this must be entered accurately. 


Maximising learning through play - ICT in the FS.

Foundation Stage School Development

Play: Planning, observation and assessment

  Explore the key features of planning with and for the children and how observation and assessment inform future learning. All participants should register individually even if the training is viewed within a group setting as this information is required for statistical purposes.  



Course Details:

This workshop will be delivered online on the 27 March .

The link to access the course will be provided in the confirmation of registration e-mail. 

Please ensure you have entered your email correctly to receive the training details

Course Duration:

1 hours 30 mins - 14.30 - 16.00 


DENI Number:

During the registration process you will be asked for your setting’s Department of Education Reference Number - this must be entered accurately. 


Play: Planning, observation and assessment

Foundation Stage School Development

A collaborative approach to learning through play

Two 'Pathways into Partnership' clusters will share how they have worked collaboratively to further develop their learning through play. All participants should register individually even if the training is viewed within a group setting as this information is required for statistical purposes.  


Course Details:

This workshop will be delivered online on the 8 April 2025 

The link to access the course will be provided in the confirmation of registration e-mail. 

Please ensure you have entered your email correctly to receive the training details 

Course Duration:

1 hour - 15.15 - 16.15


DENI Number:

During the registration process you will be asked for your setting’s Department of Education Reference Number - this must be entered accurately. 


A collaborative approach to learning through play

Foundation Stage School Development

Sharing Stories: Sharing Spaces. Creative Learning in the Great Outdoors.

This practical session explores how to bring stories to life in a playful, engaging outdoor learning environment. (This outdoor learning session will be repeated across various outdoor spaces across NI- please register your interest for one centre only.)  Due to the limited capacity at each venue, enrolment in this course will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Your expression of interest will be noted, and a confirmation will be sent to you via email.


TIME: 9.30am - 2.00pm This online training event will take place face to face in your chosen location.

Sharing Stories: Sharing Spaces. Creative Learning in the Great Outdoors.

Foundation Stage School Development

Locality North - Towards an Evidence-Informed Profession


To support the development of learning & teaching through a shared process of structured inquiry and professional reflection.

Structure / Content

The programme will provide a facilitated opportunity to collaborate, learn and network with colleagues across the system.  This approach is guided by Learning Leaders (2016) putting teachers at the heart of their own professional learning journey.  All teachers will be supported to identify their own inquiry question for professional development. The programme will consist of four half day workshops, with the first one aimed at leaders of learning and teaching in addition to teachers:

Session 1 - ‘What does effective learning and teaching look like?’  What does the research tell us are “best bets”? Session 2 - ‘Exploring a cycle of inquiry to develop your classroom practice.’ Session 3 – ‘Building, engaging with and contributing to professional learning communities’ including the development of subject networks. Session 4 - ‘Know thy impact.’ Evaluating the Impact of Teacher Professional Learning on student learning

Each session will be supported by featured modules / inputs from practitioners.

These sessions are intended as a starting point for participants to consider exploring and developing one or more of the above themes in more detail, which they may wish to pursue with their designated School Improvement Professional.

Participants will attend all sessions and will be supported to engage in inquiry-based practice between sessions. 

Senior Teachers with responsibility for leading learning and teaching will commit to supporting this developmental work, including attending the sessions and facilitating inquiry as a methodology for improving classroom practice.



Locality North - Towards an Evidence-Informed Profession

Post-Primary Special School Development

Effective Use of Pupil Performance Data

It is only necessary to select one date as the session is repeated. If the session is being viewed collectively, it is only necessary to make one registration for your school.  Aims:  To consider how pupil performance data can be used to identify strengths and areas for improvement at whole school, class and individual level.  To explore pupil underachievement, intervention and target setting to improve pupil outcomes.  Facilitators:

SDS Primary Team

Course Details:

This course will delivered on the 8th May 2025 and will be repeated on the 13th May 2025.  

The link for the webinar will be issued to you in advance of the date you have selected. 

Please ensure you have entered your email correctly to receive the training details.

Course Duration:

1 hour

DENI Number: 

During the registration process you will be asked for your setting’s Department of Education Reference Number - this must be input accurately. 

If you are not attached to a school, please input 9999.


Effective Use of Pupil Performance Data

Numeracy Co-ordinator – Primary School Development

Leading and Managing Numeracy - Locality East

This is a full day course. If you register for a particular date and find that you are unable to attend it is important to email the named contact so your place can be reallocated.   Aims:  To consider the role of the Mathematics and Numeracy Co-ordinator. To provide guidance on creating an action plan for improvement in Mathematics and Numeracy. To explore a range of strategies for monitoring and evaluating progress and impact. Facilitators:

SDS Primary Team

Course Details:

This full day course will be delivered in four separate cohorts.  Please select the cohort that best suits you in terms of venue and dates.  If your first choice of cohort is not available, please select another cohort.  If there are no remaining places, a waiting list will be created and you will be notified if a place becomes available.

Please ensure you have entered your email correctly to receive the training details.

Course Duration:

1 day - 09:15 - 15:00

DENI Number: 

During the registration process you will be asked for your setting’s Department of Education Reference Number - this must be input accurately. 



Leading and Managing Numeracy - Locality East

Numeracy Co-ordinator – Primary School Development

Leading and Managing Numeracy - Locality South-West

This is a full day course. If you register for a particular date and find that you are unable to attend it is important to email the named contact so your place can be reallocated.   Aims:  To consider the role of the Mathematics and Numeracy Co-ordinator. To provide guidance on creating an action plan for improvement in Mathematics and Numeracy. To explore a range of strategies for monitoring and evaluating progress and impact.

Facilitators: SDS Primary Team

Course Details:

This full day course will be delivered in four separate cohorts.  Please select the cohort that best suits you in terms of venue and dates.  If your first choice of cohort is not available, please select another cohort.  If there are no remaining places, a waiting list will be created and you will be notified if a place becomes available.

Please ensure you have entered your email correctly to receive the training details.

Course Duration:

1 day - 09:15 - 15:00

DENI Number: 

During the registration process you will be asked for your setting’s Department of Education Reference Number - this must be input accurately. 



Leading and Managing Numeracy - Locality South-West

Numeracy Co-ordinator – Primary School Development

Learning through Play in the Nursery Setting: Supporting children with SEND in the Nursery setting

All participants should register individually even if the training is viewed within a group setting as this information is required for statistical purposes.  

Course Details:

This workshop will be delivered online on the Thursday 13th March 2025.  It is open to Nursery Setting practitioners. 

The link to access the webinar will be provided in the confirmation of registration e-mail. 

Please ensure you have entered your email address correctly to receive the training details 

Course Duration:

1 hour - 15.00 - 16.00


DENI Number:

During the registration process you will be asked for your setting’s Department of Education Reference Number - this must be entered accurately. 


Learning through Play in the Nursery Setting: Supporting children with SEND in t...

Nursery School Development

Learning through Play in the Nursery Setting: Play: Planning, Observation and Assessment

All participants should register individually even if the training is viewed within a group setting as this information is required for statistical purposes.  

Course Details:

This workshop will be delivered online on the Monday 19th May 2025.  It is open to Nursery Setting practitioners. 

The link to access the webinar will be provided in the confirmation of registration e-mail. 

Please ensure you have entered your email address correctly to receive the training details 

Course Duration:

1 hour 30minutes - 15.00 - 16.30 


DENI Number:

During the registration process you will be asked for your setting’s Department of Education Reference Number - this must be entered accurately. 


Learning through Play in the Nursery Setting: Play: Planning, Observation ...

Nursery School Development

Understanding the Number System *MOP-UP*

If the session is being viewed collectively, it is only necessary to make one registration for your school. 
  Aims:  To consider effective approaches to teaching number, number notation and number sequences as foundations for mental strategies.  To explore practical resources to develop children’s skills in counting and understanding of number notation. Facilitators: Robert Thompson & Ashleigh Maw Course Details: The link for the webinar will be issued to you in advance of the date you have selected. Please ensure you have entered your email correctly to receive the training details. Course Duration: 1 hour DENI Number: During the registration process you will be asked for your setting’s Department of Education Reference Number - this must be input accurately.  If you are currently not attached to any school, then input 9999. 



Understanding the Number System *MOP-UP*

School Development

Addition and Subtraction Bonds *MOP-UP*

If the session is being viewed collectively, it is only necessary to make one registration for your school. 
  Aims:  To consider the use of manipulatives, models and images to support children’s understanding of the composition of number and developing knowledge of addition and subtraction bonds to 20. 
To explore a range of practical activities which promote number sense and strengthen mental representations of addition and subtraction bonds.  Facilitators: Robert Thompson & Ashleigh Maw Course Details: The link for the webinar will be issued to you in advance of the date you have selected. Please ensure you have entered your email correctly to receive the training details. Course Duration: 1 hour DENI Number:  During the registration process you will be asked for your setting’s Department of Education Reference Number - this must be input accurately.  If you are not attached to a school, please input 9999.  

Addition and Subtraction Bonds *MOP-UP*

School Development

Multiplication and Division Bonds *MOP-UP*

If the session is being viewed collectively, it is only necessary to make one registration for your school. 
Aims:  To explore key issues in the teaching and learning of multiplication and division bonds.  To consider a variety of resources to help children develop and practise their recall of multiplication and division bonds.  Facilitators: Robert Thompson & Ashleigh Maw   Course Details: The link for the webinar will be issued to you in advance of the date you have selected. Please ensure you have entered your email correctly to receive the training details. Course Duration: 1 hour DENI Number:  During the registration process you will be asked for your setting’s Department of Education Reference Number - this must be entered accurately.  If you are not attached to a school, please input 9999.

Multiplication and Division Bonds *MOP-UP*

School Development

Understanding Place Value *MOP-UP*

If the session is being viewed collectively, it is only necessary to make one registration for your school.  The aims/objectives for the sessions are as follows: To explore the key principles of Place Value and consider manipulatives and images to help develop conceptual understanding. To consider a range of practical resources and ideas for promoting understanding of Place Value.  

Understanding Place Value *MOP-UP*

School Development

Extending Mental Maths Skills *MOP-UP*

If the session is being viewed collectively, it is only necessary to make one registration for your school.
  Aims:  To consider in greater depth the strategies of mental calculation and how to support children to achieve greater fluency in mental calculation in Key Stages 1 and 2. 
To explore a range of ideas which can develop fluency in additive and multiplicative reasoning. Facilitators: Robert Thompson & Ashleigh Maw Course Details: The link for the webinar will be issued to you in advance of the date you have selected. Please ensure you have entered your email correctly to receive the training details.  Course Duration: 1 hour DENI Number: During the registration process you will be asked for your setting’s Department of Education Reference Number - this must be input accurately.  If you are not attached to a school, please input 9999.

Extending Mental Maths Skills *MOP-UP*

School Development

Test Leading & Learning

Leading & Learning is a two day course for special schools on Tuesday 1 April and Friday 2 May 2025.

Location: AmmA Centre

Time: 09.30 -13.30


Test Leading & Learning

Special School Development