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Children and Young Peoples' Services Training Programme

Children and Young People’s Services in the Education Authority NI are delighted to offer a range of specialist training for teachers, classroom assistants, SENCos and parents.

Any request for the training in another format or language will be considered please get in touch.


AAIS Early Years

AAIS Tier 2: The Early Years Toolkit
AAIS Early Years

AAIS Post Primary

AAIS Primary

Behaviour & Support Provisions -Post Primary

Behaviour Mapping
Behaviour & Support Provi...
Post-Primary & Special

Positive Behaviour Policy
Behaviour & Support Provi...
Post-Primary & Special

Safe Handling and De-escalation
Behaviour & Support Provi...
Post-Primary & Special

Supporting a Child in Crisis
Behaviour & Support Provi...

Whole School Positive Behaviour Strategies
Behaviour & Support Provi...

Behaviour Support and Provision - Primary

A Structured Model Empowering Peers To Enhance Inclusion
Behaviour Support and Pro...
Primary, Special & EOTAS

An Overview of the Social, Behavioural, Emotional and Wellbe...
Behaviour Support and Pro...
Nursery, Primary, Post Primary, Special and EOTAS

Developing A Calm Plan
Behaviour Support and Pro...
Nursery, Primary, Post Primary, Special and EOTAS

High Five Friday Information Session
Behaviour Support and Pro...
Nursery, Primary & Special

Incorporating the Pupil's Voice within an SBEW Plan
Behaviour Support and Pro...
Nursery, Primary, Post Primary, Special and EOTAS

Introduction to Understanding and Supporting Social, Behavio...
Behaviour Support and Pro...
Primary, Special & EOTAS

SBEW and Neurodiversity
Behaviour Support and Pro...
Nursery, Primary & Special

Solution Focused Approach to Supporting Social, Behavioural,...
Behaviour Support and Pro...
Primary, Special & EOTAS

Supporting Pupils with a Statement for Social, Behavioural, ...
Behaviour Support and Pro...
Primary & Post-Primary

Supporting Transition - Early Years Professionals Training
Behaviour Support and Pro...
Pre-School and Primary

Toolkit for New Classroom Assistants supporting Social, Beha...
Behaviour Support and Pro...
Primary, Post-Primary & Special

Critical Incident/Emotional Health & Wellbeing Service

Developing a Whole School Response to Bereavement and Critic...
Critical Incident/Emotion...
Nursery, Primary & Post-Primary

Promoting Positive Emotional Health and Wellbeing
Critical Incident/Emotion...
Primary & Post-Primary

Suicide Awareness Training - Connections Link Life
Critical Incident/Emotion...
Primary & Post-Primary

Educational Psychology

Language and Communication Service

Developing Early Attention​ and Listening Skills
Language and Communicatio...
Nursery and Foundation Stage

Phonological Awareness Programme
Language and Communicatio...
Nursery and Foundation Stage

Supporting Transition - Early Years Professionals Training
Language and Communicatio...
Pre-School and Primary

Understanding Expressive Language in the Classroom
Language and Communicatio...
Pre-School and Primary

Understanding Receptive Language in the Classroom
Language and Communicatio...
Pre-School and Primary

Literacy Service

Read and Write Exam Mode
Literacy Service

Running Records
Literacy Service

What's Out There
Literacy Service

Nurture Advisory & Support Service

Connect and Nurture (CAN)
Nurture Advisory & Suppor...

Nurturing Staff
Nurture Advisory & Suppor...
Nursery, Primary, Post Primary, Special and EOTAS

Nurturing the Senses
Nurture Advisory & Suppor...
Nursery, Primary, Post Primary, Special and EOTAS

Parents Training - AAIS

Primary Children Looked After Advisory Service

It Begins with You: Take Care and Culture of Caring
Primary Children Looked A...

SEN Specialist Settings Support Team

SEN Specialist Settings Support Team - 1. Early Years

SEN Specialist Settings Support Team - 2. Primary

Inclusion & Wellbeing Toolkit - Primary
SEN Specialist Settings S...

SEN Specialist Settings Support Team - 3. Post Primary

SEN Specialist Settings Support Team - 4. Curriculum

SEN Specialist Settings Support Team - 5. Baselining and Tracking

SEN Specialist Settings Support Team - 6. Social Skills & Friendships

SEN Specialist Settings Support Team - 7. Classroom Assistant Professional Learning & Development

SEND Implementation and Development Team

New SENCo Induction (Post-Primary) - 2 day training
SEND Implementation and D...

New SENCo Induction (Primary) - 2 day training
SEND Implementation and D...

SENCo Induction - Nursery (2 day training)
SEND Implementation and D...

SENCo Induction – Special Schools
SEND Implementation and D...

SENIS (Down Syndrome)

Supporting Transition - Early Years Professionals Training
SENIS (Down Syndrome)
Pre-School and Primary

SENIS (Medical Needs)

Effective Inclusion of pupils with Type 1 Diabetes
SENIS (Medical Needs)
Pre-school, Primary and Post-Primary

Supporting Transition - Early Years Professionals Training
SENIS (Medical Needs)
Pre-School and Primary

SENIS MLD (Moderate Learning Difficulties)

Numeracy Toolkit to support pupils with Moderate Learning Di...
SENIS MLD (Moderate Learn...
Primary & Post-Primary

Supporting Transition - Early Years Professionals Training
SENIS MLD (Moderate Learn...
Pre-School and Primary

SENIS SLD (Severe Learning Difficulties)

Supporting Transition - Early Years Professionals Training
SENIS SLD (Severe Learnin...
Pre-School and Primary

Special Educational Needs Early Years Inclusion Service (SENEYIS)

Supporting Transition - Early Years Professionals Training
Special Educational Needs...
Pre-School and Primary